4th ENoLL Living Lab Summer School
4th ENoLL Living Lab Summer School
Manchester (UK) August 27th - 30th, 2013
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LLSS2013
Twitter @openlivinglabs #ENoLLSS13
The ENoLL Living Lab Summer School is the biggest yearly Living Lab event combining a mixture of sessions, workshops, lively discussion panels between long-standing ENoLL members & newbies and other Living
Lab enthusiasts. We will invite you to excursions and site-visits in Manchester to see how local innovation can benefit from cross-border collaboration in exchanging ideas, practice and experiences. This and more with the aim of giving you a wider insight in models, theories and technologies related to Living Labs and to gain hands-on experience from the leading experts on the subject. Moreover, you as a participant will have a possibility to join the Living Lab Speed Dating session and as previous year, a specific day dedicated to Living Lab related research will be arranged.
Connected Smart & Creative Cities for Citizens
Connected Smart & Creative Cities is the theme of the 4th ENoLL Living Lab summer school 2013. Here you’ll meet with a wide set of initiatives that support the development of connected and creative smart cities in Europe such as EPIC, combining cloud computing with future internet technologies to provide cities with tools and possibilities for the creation and sharing of ‘smarter’ city services and the Creative Ring, bringing together wikipedians, digital artists, local media producers, fablabbers, arduins, new designers with universities, local authorities and ICT companies in European cities and regions…
For more information see the Call for Abstracts for the Research Day (27/8). Extended deadline to submit your abstract is July 10th, 2013. Call for Abstracts:
Below a sneak peak of what we have in store for you!
And much more: http://4thenollsummerschool.wordpress.com/day-2-innovation-day/
Register here and visit back for continuous updates on the programme at the official home page of the Summer School: http://4thenollsummerschool.wordpress.com/