ETNO welcomes new Digital priorities for 2013-2014
BRUSSELS – By focusing both on a new regulatory approach for broadband networks and on better conditions for the deployment of new services, ETNO believes that the Commission addresses both the need for more investment incentives and consumer take up. Ultimately these new priorities should address the need for the EU telecoms sector to grow and become more competitive, following several years of decline in revenues.
“ETNO members, as main investors in Europe’s high speed networks, welcome the launch by the European Commission of a new and stable broadband regulatory approach. The forthcoming recommendation should fully reflect the need for stability of copper wholesale prices and for pricing flexibility to develop more innovative offers for new high speed broadband networks, while guaranteeing a wide choice for consumers”, says Luigi Gambardella, ETNO Executive Board Chair.
“ETNO also strongly supports the Commission’s focus on developing new services in order to encourage take up of high speed broadband. In particular, ETNO welcomes DG CONNECT’s closer involvement in the modernisation of the copyright system, in order to accelerate the Digital Single Market. ETNO looks forward to closely participating in a dialogue with all stakeholders in view of adapting the copyright system to the realities of the digital economy”, added Gambardella.
ETNO also strongly supports the European Cloud Partnership initiative in order to fully unlock the potential of cloud computing technologies to generate new growth for the EU telecoms sector and hence for Europe’s digital economy as a whole.
Finally, ETNO welcomes the Commission’s willingness to address the lack of ICT skills in Europe, in order to help close the digital divide, address workforce shortage and unemployment and at the same time improve Europe’s competitiveness.
ETNO, as the voice of the leading investors in telecoms services and networks and main contributors to the Digital Agenda, looks forward to working closely with the Commission on these priorities.
For more information, please contact: Thierry Dieu, ETNO Director for Communications and Public Policy Tel: (32-2) 219 32 42 Fax: (32-2) 219 64 12 E-mail: dieu@etno.be
ETNO’s 38 member companies and 12 observers from Europe and beyond represent a significant part of total ICT activity in Europe. They account for an aggregate annual turnover of more than €600 billion and employ over 1.6 million people. ETNO companies are the main drivers of broadband and are committed to its continual growth in Europe.