For AER, peripheral and outermost regions show the road on the field of renewable energy
Mon, 05/30/2011
Sustainable Dev.
Regional Policy
Led by Michèle SABBAN, Assembly of European Regions’ President, representatives of continental Regions met in Ponta Delgada, on the Island of São Miguel, in the Azores (P), on the occasion of a study visit dealing with the question of renewable energy in peripheral and outermost regions.
Islands at the forefront of a sustainable green energy revolution
While their biodiversity is threatened by climate change, prices of energy imports are rocketing up and the need to secure energy provisions is more present than ever before, islands have succeeded in establishing solutions, which not only ensure their energetic independence, but also allow them to use their own renewable energy sources. That is to say, even more than their continental counterparts, islands bet on their own energy sources and renewable energy. Following presentations by the leading energy experts in the archipelago, the delegation visited the geothermal power station in the city of Ribeira Grande, on São Miguel Island.
For Michèle SABBAN, President of AER, “it is clear that all Europeans regions can learn from the islands, especially from their way of tackling energy issues. The example of the Island of São Miguel in Ribera Grande is edifying: it provides, thanks to geothermal, wind turbine and hydraulic energies, about 52% of the electricity of the Azores! To come here and report the efforts made by some of our members, allows us to say to Brussels that peripheral regions are at the forefront of change and should be an example to all European territories.”
The launch of a working group to answer the islands’ and peripheral needs
The AER President, with the support of Carlos CESAR – Azores (P) President, took advantage of this two-day meeting to announce the launch of a working group dedicated to peripheral and outermost regions. Beyond a mere sharing of knowledge and competences, the group, coordinated by Marie-Dominique ALLEGRINI-SOMONETTI, member of the AER bureau and representative of the Region of Corsica (F), will focus on defining their particularities, on coming up with adapted responses, but also on making their preoccupations and expectations known.
Furthermore, AER wishes that the group promotes cooperation between continental regions and peripheral and outermost regions, and will allows for the sharing of the islands’ knowledge in this key sector that is energy.
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