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Forum on Electro-Mobility


29 Jun 2010



 The second event of the second phase of the European project “Anticipation of Change

in the Automotive Industry” will take place on Wednesday, 30 June 2010, at the

European Economic and Social Committee in Brussels.

The European Automotive Industry provides direct employment for 6 million Europeans, of which 5 million are provided by the automotive supply industry. Indirect jobs total another 12 million, both in large companies and SMEs. The automotive supply chain is present in all 27 EU Member States and invests 13 billion EUR per year in Research and Technological


Although a significant contributor to Europe’s economy and one of the leading employers in Europe, the Automotive Industry will continue to face major political and economic challenges.

The internal combustion engine is likely to remain dominant in the short and medium term; however green technologies will be increasingly important in the future and will contribute to make road transport more energy efficient.

Accordingly, the European Union has recently embraced a strategy encouraging the

development and the widespread use of clean and energy efficient vehicles, with the aim of helping the European automotive industry to strengthen its leading role globally.

Electro-Mobility in particular is currently promoted by several Member States, notably

France, Spain, Germany, Portugal and Denmark, although there still remains a number of issues to be addressed. Actions are required in each of the following areas:

• ensure that alternative propulsion vehicles are at least as safe as conventional ones

• foster education and training practices to ensure the transition of the workforce

through new green jobs

• promote common standards that will allow all electric vehicles to be charged

anywhere in the EU

• encourage installation of publicly accessible charging points


• ensure the development of smart electricity grids

• update the rules and promote research on recycling of batteries

The forum will provide high-level discussions among all relevant stakeholders with a view to foster an “integrated approach” that will enable Electro-Mobility to achieve the expected results in terms of competitiveness and employability of workforce.

For more information, please contact:

Ms. Amalia Di Stefano, CLEPA Director European Affairs & Communications

Tel: +32 2 743 91 35, email:, or visit: or


Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies
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EBA - European Biogas Association
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Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Region I
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Hekla Communications
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