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Metal Packaging Europe

Company Description

Metal Packaging Europe (MPE) is the umbrella organisation representing producers and suppliers of rigid metal packaging across Europe. It was created so that its member companies, who are active in respectively APEAL (Association of European Producers of Steel for Packaging), BCME (Beverage Can Makers Europe), European Aluminium and Empac (European Metal Packaging), can contribute more effectively to sustainable developments and resource efficiency, acting as a unified sector involving all parties in the chain.

For more information about Metal Packaging Europe, please visit


European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO)
Platform Manager
Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER AISBL)
Economics Internship
Mental Health Europe
(Junior) Project Officer
Basel Institute on Governance
Programme Officer
Institut Français de Recherche pour le Développement Durable
Stagiaire à la Représentation de l'IRD auprès de l'UE
Procurement Trainee
Growing Media Europe AISBL
Public Affairs Officer
International Association for Democracy (IAD)
Lobbying Officer (voluntary)