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Global Economic Conditions Survey shows recovery in confidence in Q3 but also a ‘weak and precarious’ global economy ACCA Thu, 10/08/2020 InfoSociety
Global conference to focus on public sector as digital innovator ACCA Tue, 02/27/2018 Public Affairs
Global business confidence holding up ahead of U.S. elections, finds ACCA and IMA in largest regular economic survey of accountants across the globe ACCA Wed, 10/19/2016 Euro & Finance, Global Europe
Global business confidence drops in Q4 ACCA Thu, 01/19/2017 Euro & Finance
Global accounting standards grow in popularity, reveals ACCA’S international survey ACCA Wed, 10/12/2011 Euro & Finance
Global accountancy qualification provider joins forces with new wellbeing ambassador to provide extra student support ACCA Fri, 01/17/2020 InfoSociety
Global accountancy bodies come together for net zero ACCA Wed, 10/06/2021 Global Europe
Get organised and keep up-to-date with new ACCA apps ACCA Mon, 08/13/2012 Euro & Finance
Generation Z is a ‘catalyst of change’ in the workplace, but they are doubtful about the role of business ACCA Wed, 05/05/2021 Social Europe & Jobs
Generation Y: Young accountants challenge employers for dynamic careers ACCA Thu, 08/19/2010
General Anti Abuse Rule for the UK tax system – “certainty is lacking at this stage”, says ACCA ACCA Wed, 09/19/2012 Euro & Finance
Gender-Responsive Budgeting and the COVID-19 Economic Recovery: A Toolkit for the Public Sector Finance Profession ACCA Mon, 02/08/2021 Social Europe & Jobs
G20 citizens want ‘big picture’ tax policymaking, according to global survey from IFAC, ACCA, CA ANZ ACCA Tue, 03/28/2017 Euro & Finance
Future of IFRS: what purpose(s) do we want annual accounts to serve? ACCA Fri, 05/10/2013 EU Priorities 2020, Euro & Finance
From blockchain to chat bots - ACCA’s Power of Digital conference now available on demand ACCA Tue, 06/18/2019 InfoSociety
From Basel III to alternative sources of funding: Assessing the impact of financial regulation on access to finance for SMEs and the real economy ACCA Thu, 01/12/2012 Euro & Finance
FRC auditor’s report proposals too important to rush ACCA Fri, 05/03/2013 EU Priorities 2020, Euro & Finance
Fragile economic confidence early in 2021 - Economic confidence stalled in Q4 2020, underlining uncertainty for the year ahead, says latest ACCA GECS ACCA Tue, 01/26/2021 Euro & Finance
Four areas every Oil and Gas chief needs to master if they want to weather the sector’s ‘perfect storm’ ACCA Mon, 02/01/2016 Euro & Finance, Trade & Society
Fostering taxpayer education to enhance public trust in tax and help achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) ACCA Wed, 02/09/2022 Sustainable Dev.
Flexible working: Governments "Must 'Think Small First" on Employment Legislation ACCA Wed, 01/20/2010 InfoSociety
Fintech, Blockchain and ICOs : adapting to the changing landscape ACCA Thu, 03/29/2018 Euro & Finance
Fintech, Blockchain & Initial Coin offering (ICO) : adapting to the changing landscape ACCA Mon, 03/05/2018 Euro & Finance, InfoSociety
FinTech boom needs strong guidance to navigate regulatory hurdles, finds ACCA ACCA Thu, 09/29/2016 Euro & Finance, InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise
Financing the green recovery with launch of world’s first Green Finance Education Charter ACCA Wed, 07/01/2020 InfoSociety
Financial sustainability leads the agenda at ACCA’s ninth International Public Sector Conference ACCA Thu, 02/28/2019 Euro & Finance
Financial services see growing risks a year before Brexit, finds ACCA ACCA Thu, 03/29/2018 Euro & Finance, UK in Europe
Financial discipline should be accompanied by growth-boosting policies for the Eurozone ACCA Fri, 01/27/2012 Euro & Finance
Finance teams urged to embrace change and be the leaders of transformation ACCA Thu, 11/18/2021 Euro & Finance
Finance teams must leave their comfort zone and champion big data and forward-looking analytics to remain relevant ACCA Thu, 09/17/2020 InfoSociety



Sales Executive
ECA - European Cockpit Association
Junior Aviation Safety Coordinator
APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe
Digital & Competitiveness Policy Internship
APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe
Energy & Environment Policy Internship
Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
EU Director
AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers
Communications Assistant
Membership Intern