Statement by Affordable Medicines Europe on the Russian invasion of Ukraine |
Affordable Medicines Europe |
Wed, 03/02/2022 |
Global Europe |
NO WAR IN UKRAINE | Human Security & Peace First! - SOLIDAR Statement |
Solidar |
Thu, 02/24/2022 |
Global Europe |
Open letter from the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) to condemn and take actions against the war in Ukraine and to ensure that health services can continue to provide care to its population |
Wed, 03/02/2022 |
Global Europe |
We will not rest until Putin is tried as a war criminal, says Iratxe García |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Global Europe |
ECPC stands with Ukrainian cancer patients and people |
ECPC - European Cancer Patient Coalition |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Global Europe |
UEG Presidential statement on the situation in Ukraine |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Global Europe |
Statement of solidarity and support to those affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine |
Mon, 02/28/2022 |
Global Europe |
Eurochambres statement on the Ukraine crisis |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Global Europe |
Drohende Preisexplosion am Strommarkt |
enervis |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Energy |
Support five demo projects in the southern hemisphere |
EBA - European Biogas Association |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Energy |
A way out of the EU gas price crisis with biomethane |
EBA - European Biogas Association |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Energy |
EU data confirms key contribution of biomethane to clean mobility |
EBA - European Biogas Association |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Energy |
S&D Group votes to postpone the European Court of Auditors' 2020 discharge to October |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Euro & Finance |
Air travel no longer possible between Russia & the EU |
EBAA - European Business Aviation Association |
Mon, 02/28/2022 |
Security |
MiCA - Regulating crypto-assets: S&Ds deplore conservatives caving in to lobbying pressure |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Mon, 02/28/2022 |
Euro & Finance |
Support for refugees fleeing Ukraine |
airbnb |
Mon, 02/28/2022 |
Global Europe |
Ambitious targets for renewables in electricity generation require power grid reforms |
EU-SysFlex |
Mon, 02/28/2022 |
Energy |
Position on the proposal for regulation establishing a framework for a European Digital Identity |
PostEurop |
Fri, 02/25/2022 |
InfoSociety |
Electronic product information: new report shows it is time to move from principles to action |
Medicines for Europe |
Fri, 02/25/2022 |
Health & Consumers |
EucoLight announces webinar on EPR non-compliance through online marketplaces: the state of play |
EucoLight - European Association of Lighting WEEE Compliance Schemes |
Thu, 02/24/2022 |
Climate & Environment |
Joint statement by energy intensive sectors in view of the vote on CBAM by the INTA Committee |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Climate & Environment |
United behind Ukraine: Russia must not be allowed to wage full-scale war against Ukraine and its people |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 02/24/2022 |
Security |
Ukrainian Airspace restricted for civil aviation operations |
EBAA - European Business Aviation Association |
Thu, 02/24/2022 |
Security |
Europe’s building only half the wind energy it needs for the Green Deal, supply chain is struggling as a result |
WindEurope |
Tue, 03/01/2022 |
Energy |
FIA EB welcomes Data Act and supports path towards sector-specific legislation |
Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Region I |
Thu, 02/24/2022 |
InfoSociety |
"EU proposal on sustainable due diligence is counterproductive" |
VDMA - Mechanical Engineering Industry |
Wed, 02/23/2022 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
ACCA statement on today’s release of the European Commission’s initiative on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence |
Wed, 02/23/2022 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
Agroecology and the EU Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies are Europe’s best hope for a viable and sustainable (food) future |
Agroecology Europe |
Wed, 02/23/2022 |
Agriculture & Food |
Statements from Antonello Ciotti and Stephen Short (PETCORE-Europe) |
Petcore Europe |
Wed, 02/23/2022 |
InfoSociety |
PETCORE Europe launched Tray Circularity Evaluation Platform (TCEP) |
Petcore Europe |
Wed, 02/23/2022 |
InfoSociety |