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FoodDrinkEurope launches Eat & Live Well website


Mon, 10/17/2016


Agriculture & Food
Health & Consumers

Tackling the challenges of modern life in terms of nutrition and exercise is everyone’s business.
FoodDrinkEurope launches today Eat & Live Well, an overview of over 150 case studies detailing the actions undertaken by Europe’s food and drink industry in order to promote more balanced diets and healthier lifestyles.

Europe’s food and drink industry has been involved in actions to support healthier choices for the last 10 years, as a founding member of the European Platform for Diet, Physical Activity & Health.

As part of its latest Framework Commitment to gather a wide range of existing and new commitments taken by national federations, European sectors and individual companies (including SMEs), FoodDrinkEurope has created a website presenting these cases and their achievements. Commitments will also be listed and companies and organisations will report on the success (or not) of the commitments on a yearly basis, in full transparency.

We are all responsible for what we eat and drink and how we do it, but coordinated action helps us all improve where we have difficulties. More choice, healthier products, adequate portions, incentives to exercise… These can all help us maintain a balanced diet and achieve a healthier lifestyle, while not forgetting about the pleasure and the art that eating and drinking are – and should remain!

(See attached file: Eat and Live well.pdf)

Note to the editors:
FoodDrinkEurope is the organization of Europe’s food and drink industry, the largest manufacturing sector and leading employer in the EU and a key contributor to its economy (286 000 companies, 99% SMEs, 4.2 million employees).

Press contact:
Florence Ranson, Director of Communications - +3225081028 


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