Brussels, July 19th, 2013: EUROPIA, representing the European refining industry, believes that the European Parliament’s Environment Committee vote on a legislative proposal intended to limit the use of conventional biofuels in order to stimulate development of advanced biofuels and use of electricity in road transport fail to set a clear and consistent framework for the industry needed to achieve the real environmental targets of both the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and Fuel Quality Directive (FQD).
On July 11th, 2013 the European Parliament’s environment committee voted on a legislative proposal related to biofuels. This proposal intended to limit the use of conventional biofuels in order to stimulate development of advanced biofuels and use of electricity in road transport also extends the targets of the
Fuel Quality Directive (FQD) from 2020 to 2025 and introduces an energy efficiency target for transport in 2020 for the Member States under the Renewable Energy Directive (RED).
EUROPIA believes that some aspects go in the right direction, however regrets that this proposal does not adhere to some important key principles needed to achieve the real environmental targets of both RED and FQD, whilst setting a clear and consistent framework for the industry. In particular,
EUROPIA recommends that the focus remains on the intended greenhouse gas (GHG) benefits of both RED and FQD. Evolving scientific analysis on the GHG savings and the ILUC effects of existing and new biofuels may affect both the achievability of the RED and FQD targets and the true GHG savings. These targets – and any new ones - must be carefully reviewed in the light of such new science to ensure that these Directives deliver real environmental benefits for which they were implemented.
[1] https://pr.euractiv.com/sites/default/files/pr/EUROPIA_Press%20release%20ILUC.pdf