Jean-Paul Gauzès MEP, EPP Group Coordinator in the EP Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, and Corien Wortmann-Kool MEP, EPP Group Vice-Chairwoman responsible for Economy and Environment, welcomed today the presentation by the European Commission of the Annual Growth Survey for 2013.
"In my Report on the European Semester, which was adopted by the European Parliament in October, we had given the European Commission some recommendations on the Annual Growth Survey. I am pleased to see that the European Commission has taken our recommendations on board, particularly on the fact that recommendations should be more targeted", said Jean-Paul Gauzès MEP.
"One thing must be said again: measures of financial stabilisation as well as structural reforms are necessary today due to the economic situation of certain Member States. These measures are the remedy to these difficulties, not the cause! Those who say the contrary are lying to their citizens", Jean-Paul Gauzès underlined.
The EPP Group welcomes the fact that the European Commission, well aware of the difficult economic challenges, is reaffirming its line to achieve structural recovery and better competitiveness in Europe. This is needed to strengthen our social market economy, in line with the Europe2020 targets. The proper implementation of these economic recommendations is needed to avoid a lost decade for Europe. Moreover, accelerating the reform process across all Member States is critical for the region to return to the path of growth. And growth means jobs", said Corien Wortmann-Kool MEP.
For further information:
Jean-Paul GAUZÈS [1] MEP, Tel: +32-2-2845700
Corien WORTMANN-KOOL [2] MEP, Tel: +32-2-2845570
Marion Jeanne [3], EPP Group Press and Communications Service, Tel: +32-479-840293
Katarzyna Klaus [4], EPP Group Press and Communications Service, Tel: +32-484-138359
Notes to Editors:
The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 270 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members
[1] mailto:jean-paul.gauzes@europarl.europa.eu
[2] mailto:corien.wortmann@europarl.europa.eu
[3] mailto:marion.jeanne@europarl.europa.eu
[4] mailto:katarzyna.klaus@europarl.europa.eu