The European Parliament today adopted a final legislative agreement revising EU rules on biocides - substances aiming to kill or deter harmful organisms - dealing with product approvals and active substances in the products (1). The Greens believe that the vote represents a step forward for public health. After the vote, Green MEP Michele Rivasi said:
"The revised rules adopted today should go some way towards reducing the potentially serious impacts of biocides on public health. The Greens have pushed to ensure that the most harmful substances, including endocrine disrupters, are no longer used in biocidal products in principle. Under the legislation approved today, exceptions to this rule can only be given when a substance is essential to control a serious danger or non-approval would have disproportionate impacts. In addition, serious consideration always has to be given to the availability of alternative substances or technologies.
"Importantly, consumers will get information about the biocidal treatment of articles either via labelling or via information from suppliers.
"Given the concerns with regard to the use of nanoparticles, notably nanosilver, we are very happy that nanomaterials will now be regulated comprehensively, including specific approval of the active substance, separate assessment (based on adequate test methods) and labelling.
"The Greens also welcome the final provisions on product authorisations, which will allow member states to deviate from product authorisations and apply more rigorous rules to protect human health and the environment."
(1) Second reading agreement on the recast of the directive on the authorisation of biocidal products - Klass report.
Richard More O'Ferrall,
Press and media officer,
Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament
Mobile: +32-477-443842 - Ph. +32-22841669 (Brussels); +33-388174042
www.greens-efa.eu [1] - http://twitter.com/GreensEP [2]
[1] http://www.greens-efa.eu
[2] http://twitter.com/GreensEP