Strasbourg, 25 November 2010
The European Parliament has today called on Heads of State and Government worldwide to demonstrate real political leadership during the UN climate change negotiations which start next week and deplores the fact that there has not been more progress to date in preparing for the Cancún climate summit
Speaking from Strasbourg, GUE/NGL MEP Ms Bairbre de Brún, co-author of the resolution said:
"Real leadership and political will are needed in Cancún and we must not use the global economic crisis as an excuse for inaction or for denying climate justice.
"The European Parliament climate change resolution calls for substantive steps to be agreed in Cancún, and stresses the historical responsibility borne by developed countries for irreversible climate change as well as their obligation to assist the developing countries and the least-developed countries in adapting to this change.
"The European Parliament calls on the Commission and Member States to ensure that climate financing is in addition to fulfilling their targets in providing 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) as Official Development Assistance (ODA).
"As for actions that must be taken within the EU, the European Parliament has clearly called today for the EU to adopt a domestic greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 30% by 2020 compared to 1990 levels and for the 20% energy efficiency target to become binding."
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Gauche Unitaire Européenne/Nordic Green Left
European Parliamentary Group
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