Brussels, 09 September 2009
"By presenting his guidelines on the work for the next Commission personally to the different political groups in the European Parliament, Mr Barroso is seeking a democratic discussion, including with the Left. He is well aware of the fact that the GUE/NGL refused the political concept behind the policies he conducted over the last five years and that we have been putting forward a number of alternative demands for a peaceful, democratic and economically self-sustainable European Union for the people, based on solidarity.
In Barroso's recently presented vision for Europe, he presented several new aspects, particularly in the social field of European integration as well as the recognition of the need to enhance the participation of citizens in decision-making processes in European policies. We also noted self-criticism on the part of Barroso concerning the previous Commission's radical market-oriented economic policy. This kind of approach opens opportunities for further critical discussions.
The GUE/NGL group has always made it clear that it does not agree with Commission's policies based on purely economic interests. These policies are responsible for the current crisis; there is no doubt about that. From our point of view, Barroso's new proposals do not represent a satisfying perspective for a sustainable concept of the EU's future. In this respect, from the Left's point of view, fundamental concerns about the candidate favoured so much by EU governments remain."
www.guengl.eu [1]
[1] http://www.guengl.eu