Image 1: G7 group picture with U7 Mayors; Image credits: Global Parliament of Mayors
Image 2: U7 Mayor representatives and Ministers from Canada and UK (from left to right: Mr. Roberto Pella, Mayor of Valdega (Italy), representing ANCII, Mr. Sean Fraser, Minister of Canada for Housing, Infrastructure, and Communities, Mr. Matthew Pennycook, UK Minister of State for Housing and Planning, Mr. Eckart Würzner, Mayor of Heidelberg (Germany); Image credits: ICLEI Europe
Image 3: G7 Sustainable Urban Development Ministers Meeting in Rome; Image credits: Italian G7 presidency
[1] https://www.g7italy.it/wp-content/uploads/Communique_Sustainable-Urban-Development-G7.pdf
[2] https://g7u7.org/news/u7-kick-start-cooperation-with-french-ministries-on-urban-and-local-matters-for-the-french-g7-presidency-in-2026-1-1-1-1
[3] https://g7u7.org/
[4] https://iclei.org/
[5] https://globalparliamentofmayors.org/
[6] https://www.anci.it/
[7] https://iclei-europe.org/
[8] https://iclei-europe_2.prowly.com/362842-g7-urban-ministers-meet-in-rome-call-for-formal-engagement-of-cities-in-the-g7-process