Brussels, 12 of September 2019 – CEMA welcomes Dr Vanja Bisevac who succeeds Dr Sara Djelveh on Research topics and H2020 EU projects management. Over the past years, CEMA - the Agricultural Machinery Industry Association - has become a key partner in several EU funded projects focusing on the promotion and uptake of Precision Agriculture Technologies in EU farming. CEMA is currently involved in six on-going projects (IoF2020 , NEFERTITI , INNOSETA , SmartAgriHubs , FAIRshare , agROBOfood ).
In his new role Vanja Bisevac will ensure views from the Agricultural Machinery Industry are reflected on the works carried out by the projects, will facilitate the dissemination, communication, industrial expertise and policy recommendation activities, and will coordinate the CEMA Research High-Level Group.
Commenting on his recent appointment, Dr Bisevac said “I am glad to join CEMA to keep up the valuable work that has been done by the association to promote and encourage the adoption of technology in EU agriculture. I really hope my previous professional experiences as EU project manager will significantly contribute to serve the interests of the agricultural machinery industry at EU level.”
CEMA Secretary General Jerome Bandry added “I would like to thank Sara Djelveh most sincerely for her strong commitment over the past years to position CEMA as a key stakeholder in the agricultural EU Research arena. On behalf of the CEMA Board and the team, we wish her great success in her new professional challenge.”

Vanja Bisevac, new CEMA Research Officer
Beatriz Arribas
Communications Manager
CEMA aisbl - European Agricultural Machinery Industry Association
Boulevard A. Reyers, 80
B - 1030 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0)2 706 81 75
EU transparency register: 489575310490-58