The FAIB has just published the results of its salary benchmark survey carried out with the support of its Board members and its associate member, DKW.
“What’s special about this survey is its breadth” commented Adrian Harris FAIB President. “There are indeed many good association and company lobbyist salary and benefit surveys published by different organisations, but what is special about our survey is that it goes in depth into the pay and benefits packages of its different categories of members – notably on the one hand classical trade and professional associations and on the other charity and NGO staff. No one has to date carried out such a fine analysis which highlights the sometimes striking differences within the Brussels association world.”
This survey is based on data gathered on the remuneration and the fringe benefits of associations’ permanent staff from 131 organisations. It covers ALL job categories, from top management to administrative support staff and will therefore serve as a useful guideline and tool for (international) non-profit associations (I)NPAs.
For more information please contact:
faib@faib.org [1]
www.faib.org [2]
Rue Washington, 40
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Phone: + 32 (0)2 641 11 95
131 organisations were surveyed, 47 charities, 59 federations, 25 other. Due to small numbers of professional associations, we only broke down figures for Charities and Federations.
There were large variances in salary and benefits between organisations, much of which can often be explained by the type of organisation, the size of the organisation and the average age of the employees.
The most common benefits provided are thirteenth month 85%, Luncheon vouchers 82 %, extra legal holidays 78%, travel to and from the office by public transport 78%.
Only 65% of organisations have a pension scheme for all employees, 50% give ecocheques and 56% have hospitalisation insurance and 15% provide company cars.
Trade Associations are much more likely to provide a pension scheme, mobile phone or company car
NGO/charities are more likely to provide flexible working, time off in lieu
The median age is 50 years old with a slight majority (56%) being male.
The median remuneration is between 7000 and 8000 gross euros per month with a total annual cost to the organisation between 120000 and 150000 euros.
There are however considerable differences between types and size of organisations
[1] mailto:faib@faib.org
[2] http://www.faib.org/
[3] https://pr.euractiv.com/sites/default/files/pr/CP%20Benchmark%20survey%20-%20final%2003-2018_1.pdf