Brussels, Belgium /20/04/16. The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) launched a Global Call to Action urging policy makers, employers, workers’ organisations and physicians to protect Europe’s outdoor workers from skin cancer caused by solar UV-radiation. The Call was launched at a policy debate in the European Parliament, hosted by MEP Nessa Childers (S&D), Vice President of the European Parliamentary Interest Group ‘MEPs Against Cancer’, and co-hosted by MEPs Mr. Ole Christensen (S&D) and Mr. Jens Gieseke (EPP).
“Occupational skin cancer is a real threat to our workforce. Moreover, at a time when healthcare budgets face unprecedented strains, protecting our outdoor workers from UVinduced skin cancer should be at the top of Europe’s public health agenda”, said EADV President Prof. Dr. Erwin Tschachler.
The policy debate highlighted the fact that there are easy, simple and cheap solutions to avoid this preventable form of cancer.
MEP Nessa Childers (S&D) commented, “We have a chance to push forward policies and measures that can have a big impact on the health of our workers and which do not necessitate large investments by either companies or governments. This is the time for Europe to lead by example and ensure that the workplace is a safe place for all”.
“The question therefore is whether, in line with the available evidence, EU policy-makers will act accordingly“, asked Prof. Dr. Swen Malte John, Chair of the EADV’s Media & PR Committee, while presenting the Global Call to Action.
The event is part of the EADV’s campaign “Skin Cancer: Safe Work Under The Sun”. EADV’s Global Call to Action asks, among others, for an improved legislative framework to protect outdoor workers more effectively, official recognition of UV induced non-melanoma skin cancers as occupational diseases, as well as promotion of and education on the simple and cheap techniques of sun-safe behaviour and prevention of skin cancer.
At the debate, speakers from the EADV, the World Health Organization, the European Commission, the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers and the Centre for Health Economics of the Hamburg University, took the floor to expose the danger of solar UV radiation to the health and safety of 14.5 million outdoor workers in Europe. Whereas solar radiation has been long recognized as a group I carcinogen and is the leading cause of non-melanoma skin cancer worldwide, most outdoor workers are unaware of the dangers of working under the sun. In addition, there is no EU-wide requirement to protect workers at risk.
Nikos Manaras
Senior EU Affairs and Media Coordinator EADV
38 Avenue General De Gaulle
1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 650 00 90
Tel (Direct): + 32 2 650 00 96
Mobile: +32 475 264649
nikos@eadv.org [1]
About EADV
Founded in 1987, EADV is a non-profit association whose vision is to be the premier European DermatoVenereology Society, with the key aims of improving the quality of patient care, providing continuing medical education (CME) for all Dermato-Venereologists in Europe, and advocacy on behalf of the specialty and patients.
The membership concept has been broadened to include all areas of Europe and elsewhere, and the development of alliances and affiliations with other organisations.
For further information about the Academy, please contact us under +32 2 650 00 90 or visit www.eadv.org [2]
[1] mailto:nikos@eadv.org
[2] http://www.eadv.org/