EP Rapporteur In 't Veld set to reject new EU-US Passenger Name Records Agreement (PNR) |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Wed, 02/01/2012 |
Justice & Home Affairs, Security |
Corporate reports still hold value says ACCA study |
Wed, 02/01/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
Food operators: Negative vote from ENVI Committee MEPs on revised Nutrition Claims list is bad for consumers and for business |
FoodDrinkEurope |
Wed, 02/01/2012 |
Agriculture & Food |
Accredited airports: “We are the 52%!” |
ACI Europe |
Tue, 01/31/2012 |
Transport, Climate & Environment |
Parliament moves to boost carbon price |
WindEurope |
Tue, 01/31/2012 |
Climate & Environment, Energy |
200 000 livres pour les réseaux de Centres de lecture et d’animation culturelle (CLAC) |
Tue, 01/31/2012 |
Languages & Culture |
Verhofstadt on EU summit: "Eurozone needs action not words" |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Tue, 01/31/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
Left rejects EU institutionalisation of austerity as default policy |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Tue, 01/31/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
Euro crisis summit: Unnecessary 'compact' signed off; real steps to resolving Euro crisis still missing |
Tue, 01/31/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
Poor economic outlook takes its toll on Europe’s commercial property market |
Mon, 01/30/2012 |
Euro & Finance, Sustainable Dev. |
Cloud computing offers huge potentials for the public sector |
Mon, 01/30/2012 |
InfoSociety |
Financial discipline should be accompanied by growth-boosting policies for the Eurozone |
Fri, 01/27/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
Lancement d'INITIATIVE.EU - Une communauté en ligne pour fédérer les parties prenantes souhaitant déposer une Initiative citoyenne européenne (ICE) |
Euractiv |
Thu, 01/26/2012 |
WARMING UP TO INITIATIVE.EU - The online community to federate stakeholders for European Citizens’ Initiatives (ECIs) |
Euractiv |
Thu, 01/26/2012 |
European Cloud Partnership hailed by ITC sector |
Thu, 01/26/2012 |
InfoSociety |
Protecting consumers’ privacy by design and by default |
ANEC - The European Consumer Voice in Standardisation |
Thu, 01/26/2012 |
Health & Consumers |
No solidity without solidarity – Greens demand European parties statutes, credible economic strategy, green investments, and democratic accountability |
European Greens |
Thu, 01/26/2012 |
Review of the General Data Protection Directive - The Commission’s proposal makes significant steps towards leveling the playing field among all ICT players in terms of privacy protection obligations |
ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association |
Wed, 01/25/2012 |
InfoSociety |
De Marie-Christine Vergiat - Députée européenne Front de gauche - Membre de la commission culture et éducation - |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 01/25/2012 |
Education |
Commission must look into scandal of defective breast implants |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Tue, 01/24/2012 |
Health & Consumers |
Fight against poverty: We offer a hand-up not a hand-out. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Tue, 01/24/2012 |
Global Europe |
Verhofstadt: "Mr Putin, Be aware Spring is coming" |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Tue, 01/24/2012 |
Europe's East |
EU-Kosovo - EP sends strong signal on Kosovo's EU path; urges recalcitrant member states to recognise Kosovo |
Tue, 01/24/2012 |
CEEP at informal high-level meeting on youth employment - “Public Services employers are committed to fight youth unemployment” |
CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services |
Mon, 01/23/2012 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Launches Research+Data Insights |
Burson |
Mon, 01/23/2012 |
Public Affairs, Innovation & Enterprise |
WPP Expands Footprint in Russia/CIS - The PBN Company Merges with Hill+Knowlton Strategies |
Burson |
Mon, 01/23/2012 |
Europe's East, Public Affairs |
European Social Partners EFFAT and FoodDrinkEurope launch European Social Dialogue in the Food and Drink Industry |
FoodDrinkEurope |
Mon, 01/23/2012 |
Agriculture & Food |
Cuba: reality in Cuba far from state propaganda on 'reforms' and 'changes'. Laima Andrikiene MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Mon, 01/23/2012 |
Global Europe |
Croatian Referendum: Yes strengthens Croatia and Europe. Gunnar Hökmark MEP |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Mon, 01/23/2012 |
Enlargement |
Croatia: I congratulate the Croatian people on a strong Yes to their European future. Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Mon, 01/23/2012 |
Enlargement |