Pressemitteilung Europaabgeordnete Özlem Alev Demirel (DIE LINKE.) Fatales Signal: EU beschließt erneut Waffen für die Ukraine |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Fri, 05/13/2022 |
Security |
Commissioner Várhelyi is undermining EU efforts for peace, Iratxe García tells Palestinian PM Mohammad Shtayyeh |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 05/12/2022 |
Global Europe |
S&D event in Helsinki: The EU, Nato and Finland |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 05/12/2022 |
Security |
S&Ds ensure balanced protection of the EU’s financial system against cyberattacks |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 05/12/2022 |
Euro & Finance |
Steel from Solar Energy A Techno-Economic Assessment of Green Steel Manufacturing |
Hydrogen Europe |
Thu, 05/12/2022 |
Energy |
Stop waste and scrap export to countries not meeting EU environment standards, asks EUROFER |
Thu, 05/12/2022 |
Climate & Environment |
WeLASER project has successfully achieved its preliminary system integration |
Tue, 05/10/2022 |
Agriculture & Food |
European Commission and the electrolyser manufacturers join forces to build a home for renewable hydrogen in Europe |
Hydrogen Europe |
Tue, 05/10/2022 |
Euro & Finance |
Zukunftskonferenz der EU fordert sozialere und demokratischere EU |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Tue, 05/10/2022 |
InfoSociety |
Jorgo Chatzimarkakis awarded Hydrogen “Person of the Year” |
Hydrogen Europe |
Tue, 05/10/2022 |
Energy |
IRU/EUCONFERENCE - Fit for 55: the Road Ahead |
Tue, 05/10/2022 |
Transport |
Unity does not mean unanimity |
VDMA - Mechanical Engineering Industry |
Tue, 05/10/2022 |
InfoSociety |
No mountain regions will be left behind, says Commmissioner Elisa Ferreira |
Mon, 05/09/2022 |
Climate & Environment |
S&Ds press for a European Mental Health Strategy to cope with a silent pandemic |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Fri, 05/06/2022 |
Health & Consumers |
S&Ds on the ‘Dubai Uncovered’ money laundering scandal: The United Arab Emirates must immediately be blacklisted by the EU |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Fri, 05/06/2022 |
Global Europe |
We welcome new sanctions package and call for an urgent plan to cope with the economic and social impact, says Iratxe García |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Global Europe |
S&Ds: With the sentence against Osman Kavala, Turkey has demolished any perspective of putting the EU accession process back on track |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
S&Ds: Discharge 2020 was granted to European Court of Auditors, but the image of the institution has been seriously damaged |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Euro & Finance |
Statement on the EU supply of palm oil following Indonesian decision to temporarily suspend the export of palm oil products |
FEDIOL - Federation for European Oil and Proteinmeal Industry |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Agriculture & Food |
Improved availability of sunflower oil following market adaptation and arrival of Ukrainian products over land transport |
FEDIOL - Federation for European Oil and Proteinmeal Industry |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Agriculture & Food |
Making REpowerEU successful with gas infrastructure |
Gas Infrastructure Europe - GIE Aisbl |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Energy |
Pressemitteilung Europaabgeordnete Dr. Cornelia Ernst (DIE LINKE.) Frontex nicht entlasten! |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Justice & Home Affairs |
Pressemitteilung Europaabgeordneter Martin Schirdewan (DIE LINKE.) Bankenunion: Einlagen sichern, Krisenursachen bekämpfen! |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Euro & Finance |
Pressemitteilung Europaabgeordneter Helmut Scholz (DIE LINKE.) Ein wichtiger Schritt in Richtung gemeinschaftlicher Europawahlen |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
InfoSociety |
Europe invested €41bn in new wind farms in 2021 |
WindEurope |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Energy |
Training courses on accidental marine pollution and media tour in the Po Delta Park successfully conducted within the PEPSEA Interreg project |
PEPSEA Interreg Project |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Regional Policy |
EU sanctions against Russia " Oil embargo is the right step, but must come sooner” |
VDMA - Mechanical Engineering Industry |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Energy |
High uncertainty slashes growth prospects for 2022, risk of new recession looms |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Trade & Society |
The European Health Data Space Regulation: an opportunity to harness the power of health data |
MedTech Europe |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
Health & Consumers |
S&Ds on follow-up to Frontex resignation |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 05/05/2022 |
InfoSociety |