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Press Releases

E.g., 2024-09-01
E.g., 2024-09-01
CEEP addresses the pillar of social rights at the Tripartite Social Summit CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services 21 Mar 2018 Social Europe & Jobs
CEEP addresses the constitutive meeting of the Parliamentary CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services 21 Jan 2010 Social Europe & Jobs
CEEP Addresses Major EU Social Issues at Informal EPSCO CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services 20 Apr 2016 Social Europe & Jobs
CEEP Addresses EU Macroeconomic Policies CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services 11 Feb 2016 Social Europe & Jobs, Trade & Society
CEEP addresses Digital Labour Market at the informal EPSCO CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services 19 Jul 2018 Social Europe & Jobs
CEEMET: Flexible employment contracts responding to changing market circumstances and meeting employee needs Ceemet - European Tech & Industry employers 08 Mar 2012 Social Europe & Jobs
CEEMET welcomes Commissioner Barnier’s decision not to include solvency rules for occupational pension funds in its upcoming legislative proposal Ceemet - European Tech & Industry employers 24 May 2013 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
CEEMET response- European Commission Communication on 'A new impetus for european cooperation vet to support the Europe 2020 strategy' Ceemet - European Tech & Industry employers 24 Sep 2010 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs, Trade & Society
CEEMET comments on the EP draft report with recommendations to the Commission on Information and consultation of workers, anticipation and management of restructuring Ceemet - European Tech & Industry employers 05 Jul 2012 Social Europe & Jobs
Ceemet calls for focus on the impact of Continuing education and training in support of growth and jobs Ceemet - European Tech & Industry employers 04 Feb 2013 Education, Social Europe & Jobs
CEEMET and the EMF put their social dialogue on a new footing: Ceemet - European Tech & Industry employers 14 Jan 2010 Social Europe & Jobs
CDU/CSU: Statement Verheyen zu Barrierefreier Zugang zu Webseiten/Apps öffentlicher Stellen CDU/CSU-Gruppe im Europäischen Parlament 26 Oct 2016 Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs
Catholic development agencies and partners worldwide demand better cooperation with the European Commission Caritas Europa 05 Mar 2010 Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas to hand over thousands of signatures from people across Europe denouncing the scandal of poverty to Belgian Presidency Caritas Europa 16 Dec 2010 Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas supports international efforts for review of the UN Convention Against Corruption Caritas Europa 31 Aug 2009 Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa's Peter Verhaeghe Awarded by Spanish Migrant Organisation Caritas Europa 14 Sep 2011 Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa – Call for Tenders Caritas Europa 18 Jul 2011 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa urges governments to resettle more refugees Caritas Europa 02 Apr 2012 Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa urges European and national policy makers to support the importance of volunteering - Policy Statement on the European Year of Volunteering 2011 Caritas Europa 29 Jul 2011 Justice & Home Affairs, Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa to world leaders: Show commitment to end the scandal of hunger Caritas Europa 24 Sep 2013 Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa to the EU – Eradicate root causes of forced migration and make migration a safe option Caritas Europa 29 Nov 2010 Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa to European decision makers: Put the Family first when shaping the future of Europe Caritas Europa 15 May 2014 Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa statement on International Day of Families (May 15th) Caritas Europa 15 May 2013 EU Priorities 2020, Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa reaches out to French EU Presidency on development and humanitarian issues Caritas Europa 16 Oct 2008 Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs, EU Priorities 2020
Caritas Europa meets France's Immigration Minister ahead of EU Presidency Caritas Europa 16 Jun 2008 Public Affairs, Enlargement, Social Europe & Jobs, Languages & Culture, EU Priorities 2020
Caritas Europa marks World Humanitarian Day with Pakistan in focus Caritas Europa 19 Aug 2010 Health & Consumers, Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa finds the Commission study on seasonal workers ‘too narrow’ Caritas Europa 23 Apr 2008 Social Europe & Jobs
Caritas Europa contacts MEPs ahead of crucial voting on Return Directive Caritas Europa 03 Jun 2008 Justice & Home Affairs, Enlargement, Central Europe, Social Europe & Jobs, EU Priorities 2020
Caritas Europa comments on the new EU “Blue Card System Caritas Europa 11 Jun 2009 Social Europe & Jobs


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