S&Ds urge Commission to take decisive actions to fight growing inequalities in Europe |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 02/07/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs, Justice & Home Affairs |
New and familiar faces at acumen public affairs |
Acumen Public Affairs |
Thu, 02/08/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
CEEP at the Macro-Economic Dialogue |
CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services |
Mon, 02/19/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
S&Ds: A new European budget investing in Europe, in people and in sustainable well-being for all |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 02/22/2018 |
Euro & Finance, Social Europe & Jobs |
DIE LINKE.: Massenentlassungen bei SIEMENS: Eigentum verpflichtet |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Wed, 02/28/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Closing the gender pay gap 2018: Focusing on pensions |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Thu, 03/01/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
S&Ds score important victory for European workers: equal pay for equal work in the same place now within reach |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 03/01/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Success on the horizon for posted workers reform |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Thu, 03/01/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
DIE LINKE.: Revision der Entsenderichtlinie - wichtiger Schritt gegen Lohndumping! |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 03/01/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Alstom & Siemens Mobility: trade unions urge to secure the future of jobs and industry |
industriAll Europe |
Tue, 03/06/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
S&Ds: In a growing world of populism, extremism and xenophobia, the promotion of human rights is more important than ever |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/07/2018 |
Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs |
CLEPA: Trade restrictions impact jobs and wealth on both ends |
Wed, 03/07/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs, Trade & Society |
International Women’s Day 2018: #IwantWorkLifeBalance |
industriAll Europe |
Thu, 03/08/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
As the US triggers a trade war, the EU has to protect its workers and the rule of law |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Fri, 03/09/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs, Trade & Society |
Unfair US Steel and Aluminium Tariffs: Trade Unions demand protection for jobs and urgent action to deal with the root cause of issue - GLOBAL OVERCAPAPCITY |
industriAll Europe |
Fri, 03/09/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs, Trade & Society |
PES: Social fairness package fails to live up to promises |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Tue, 03/13/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Full access to social protection for all and a punchy European Labour Authority to protect workers’ rights, demand S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/14/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
S&Ds pressure member states to raise wages and boost public investment |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/14/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Parliament backs overhaul of how EU is funded - with more money for young people and tackling climate change. Fake pro-Europeans instead abstain |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/14/2018 |
Euro & Finance, Social Europe & Jobs, Climate & Environment |
#EuropeTogether we can! António Costa and S&D Group with clear vision for a progressive Europe engaging with citizens in direct dialogue! |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/14/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Young people will experience the EU community through the Solidarity and Voluntary Service, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/14/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
CEEP comments on the social fairness package |
CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services |
Wed, 03/14/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Europe’s civil society calls on the EU to maintain, strengthen and expand its pivotal role towards children’s deinstitutionalisation |
Eurochild |
Tue, 03/20/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
S&Ds stand side-by-side with Polish women again taking to the streets to defend their rights |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 03/20/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
Victory for social rights as S&Ds lead drive to reject European Services e-card |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 03/21/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
General Electric: Stop destroying industrial and social capacities GE needs for long-term growth |
industriAll Europe |
Wed, 03/21/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
CEEP addresses the pillar of social rights at the Tripartite Social Summit |
CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services |
Wed, 03/21/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
DIE LINKE.: Gabi Zimmer zum heutigen Ratsgipfel der Staats- und Regierungschefs in Brüssel |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Thu, 03/22/2018 |
Global Europe, Social Europe & Jobs, Trade & Society |
Youth Speak Up for a better quality education, jobs and a safer Europe |
JA Europe |
Fri, 03/23/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |
PES leaders welcome first steps towards fair taxation, reinforced social rights |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Fri, 03/23/2018 |
Social Europe & Jobs |