ZEW-Präsident Wambach beim Wirtschaftsforum 2016 - "Digitalisierung stellt Soziale Marktwirtschaft vor Herausforderungen" |
Tue, 07/05/2016 |
InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise |
ZEW: 21 "Branchenreports Innovationen" veröffentlicht |
Fri, 01/27/2017 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
ZEW: Anzahl der Beschäftigten mit IKT-Berufen in Deutschland ist deutlich gestiegen |
Tue, 10/25/2016 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Trade & Society |
ZEW: Betriebe für mehr Flexibilität von Beschäftigten in Arbeitswelt 4.0 |
Fri, 11/18/2016 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Social Europe & Jobs |
ZEW: conomic Sentiment Continues to Improve |
Tue, 04/11/2017 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
ZEW: Considerably Less M&A Activity in the US IT Sector |
Thu, 10/27/2016 |
Global Europe, Innovation & Enterprise, Competition |
ZEW: Deutlicher Rückgang bei M&A in der US-IT-Branche |
Thu, 10/27/2016 |
Global Europe, Innovation & Enterprise, Competition |
ZEW: Deutsche Internetwirtschaft weiter auf Wachstumskurs |
Thu, 10/20/2016 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Trade & Society |
ZEW: Digitalisierung braucht Weiterbildung |
Thu, 11/10/2016 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
ZEW: Digitalisierung stößt massiven Strukturwandel an |
Wed, 11/16/2016 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Social Europe & Jobs |
ZEW: Economic Optimism Dampened Significantly – Outlook Stable in the Long Term |
Tue, 05/23/2017 |
Development Policy, Innovation & Enterprise, Trade & Society |
ZEW: Engagement von Unternehmen in sozialen Netzwerken zahlt sich aus |
Tue, 03/21/2017 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
ZEW: Erneute Verbesserung der Konjunkturerwartungen |
Tue, 04/11/2017 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
ZEW: Informationswirtschaft in Deutschland überwiegend positiv gestimmt |
Tue, 01/31/2017 |
Euro & Finance, Innovation & Enterprise |
ZEW: IT-Dienstleister erhöhen Innovationsbudgets bis 2017 deutlich |
Wed, 01/25/2017 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
ZEW: Konjunkturoptimismus erhält starken Dämpfer – Langfristiger Ausblick stabil |
Tue, 05/23/2017 |
Development Policy, Innovation & Enterprise, Trade & Society |
ZEW: M&A mit deutschen Unternehmen erreichen neue Rekorde |
Wed, 10/26/2016 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Trade & Society |
ZEW: Nutzung von Crowdworking noch wenig verbreitet |
Wed, 11/23/2016 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Social Europe & Jobs |
ZEW: Teurere "letzte Meile" steigert Nachfrage nach schnellem Breitbandinternet |
Thu, 11/10/2016 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Trade & Society |
‘AeroWeek’ at the European Parliament - European aerospace industry to dialogue with EU decision-makers |
ASD - Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe |
Fri, 11/19/2010 |
Transport, Innovation & Enterprise, Climate & Environment |
‘Incorporating nature in the heart of business decision making and disclosure’ |
Fri, 10/23/2020 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
‘International Year of Glass’ Launches with Celebrations in Geneva |
FEVE - European Container Glass Federation |
Thu, 02/10/2022 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
‘Skills for the Future’ breaks the silos between industry, policy and education and demonstrates how best-practice sharing will improve the employability of Europe’s youth |
Junior Achievement-Young Enterprise (JA-YE) Europe and Hyundai Motor Europe |
Thu, 04/18/2013 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Public Affairs |
‘The Full Stack’: ACCA identifies six emerging models transforming business |
Wed, 01/25/2017 |
Euro & Finance, Innovation & Enterprise |
‘Together, we shape the future of the profession’, ACCA celebrates thirty years in China |
Mon, 06/25/2018 |
Innovation & Enterprise |
‘Untapped potential of all four Battery technologies highlighted during the EUROBAT Forum’ |
Mon, 06/24/2013 |
Energy, Innovation & Enterprise |
“Circular by Nature” - new FEFCO campaign launched |
FEFCO - European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers |
Thu, 03/23/2017 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Climate & Environment |
“EMF-ECBC Warns against Loss of Sensitivity in Internal Rating Based Approaches” |
European Mortgage Federation - European Covered Bond Council (EMF-ECBC) |
Wed, 06/29/2016 |
Euro & Finance, Innovation & Enterprise |
“Fighting inequality and supporting diversity: Europe’s big challenge?” |
Thu, 01/31/2013 |
Innovation & Enterprise, Euro & Finance |
“Full transparency for political ads is a must”, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 01/24/2023 |
Innovation & Enterprise |