Standards support innovation + growth |
Mon, 10/19/2009 |
InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise |
Standing Ovation joins EuropaBio: Animal Free Dairy Through Precision Fermentation |
EuropaBio |
Mon, 03/25/2024 |
InfoSociety |
Starbucks ruling shows EU needs sharper tools to ensure tax justice |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 09/24/2019 |
Global Europe, InfoSociety |
State of the Debate on Interference: Technical Position Paper on Potential Mitigation Solutions and Future Standardization Work |
Cable Europe - European Cable Communications Association |
Thu, 07/01/2010 |
InfoSociety |
Statement by Cable Europe on Enhancing the Broadband Investment Environment |
Cable Europe - European Cable Communications Association |
Fri, 07/13/2012 |
InfoSociety |
Statement by Energy Intensive Industries on the outcome of the extraordinary energy council of 9 September 2022 |
Tue, 09/13/2022 |
InfoSociety |
Statement Langen zu EU-Kommission und Google/Android |
CDU/CSU-Gruppe im Europäischen Parlament |
Wed, 04/20/2016 |
InfoSociety |
Statement of the Executive Board Chairman and of the Director General of ETNO on intra-EU calls |
ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association |
Mon, 06/04/2018 |
InfoSociety |
Statement on the meeting of the Political Secretariat of the European Left (EL) |
Party of the European Left |
Mon, 12/03/2018 |
InfoSociety |
Statement Reul (CDU) zu Nachdebatte Europäischer Rat |
CDU/CSU-Gruppe im Europäischen Parlament |
Wed, 03/15/2017 |
InfoSociety |
Statement Schwab zu EU-Kommission und Google/Android |
CDU/CSU-Gruppe im Europäischen Parlament |
Wed, 04/20/2016 |
InfoSociety |
Statements from Antonello Ciotti and Stephen Short (PETCORE-Europe) |
Petcore Europe |
Wed, 02/23/2022 |
InfoSociety |
Steel crisis in focus at EP Plenary debate tomorrow: urgent need for EU Action Plan |
Tue, 10/22/2024 |
InfoSociety |
Steel industry and steel workers unite to demand urgent action to restore the sector’s competitiveness and save thousands of jobs before it is too late. |
EUROFER & IndustriAll |
Tue, 11/12/2024 |
InfoSociety |
Steel market outlook deteriorates further in aftermath of worse-than-expected recession |
Mon, 04/29/2024 |
InfoSociety |
Steel workers demand urgent high level EU steel summit |
industriAll Europe |
Mon, 12/09/2024 |
InfoSociety |
Stefano CALZOLARI elected new president of CEN |
Fri, 06/19/2020 |
InfoSociety |
Stop blocking tax transparency, say S&Ds to EU governments |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 10/23/2019 |
InfoSociety |
Strong S&D delegation to Abu Dhabi for the WTO’s meeting to support multilateral trade system |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 02/22/2024 |
InfoSociety |
Study calls for new wave of European telecoms market deregulation to restore growth and investment |
ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association |
Fri, 05/10/2013 |
EU Priorities 2020, InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise |
Summer University: Registrations are still open! |
Party of the European Left |
Mon, 05/30/2022 |
InfoSociety |
Summit Digitales: Kleinklein statt des großen Ganzen |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Fri, 10/02/2020 |
InfoSociety |
Superfast Broadband Essential to Long-Term Competitiveness of UK Economy |
Tue, 10/30/2012 |
InfoSociety, Innovation & Enterprise |
Supporting innovation in the fourth industrial revolution: EPO, CEN and CENELEC to cooperate on standards and patents |
Thu, 03/07/2019 |
InfoSociety |
Suspension of SWIFT data agreement a positive first step towards full termination and decent privacy standards |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 10/23/2013 |
EU Priorities 2020, InfoSociety |
Sustainability, Boards and Investment: What’s next for Corporate Governance? |
Fri, 06/05/2020 |
InfoSociety |
Sustainable Energy Week 2014 - Smart metering implementation in Europe: A year on |
ESMIG - European Smart Metering Industry Group |
Tue, 04/01/2014 |
InfoSociety |
Sustainable Europe, Sustainable Future: European Standardization supports the Finnish presidency of the Council |
Tue, 07/02/2019 |
InfoSociety |
Sustainable finance & the role of corporate governance & reporting: how integration and impact are the way forward |
Tue, 10/29/2019 |
Euro & Finance, InfoSociety |
Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue Charts Pathways Towards Climate-smart Solutions |
Fri, 05/24/2024 |
InfoSociety |