Koelmel: Brexit is happening we can't keep increasing the EU's budget |
ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group |
Wed, 09/27/2017 |
Euro & Finance, Global Europe |
Koelmel: EU should only spend where there is European added value |
ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group |
Thu, 06/29/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
Koelmel: Finding European Parliament's budget cuts - like looking for snow in summer |
ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group |
Wed, 10/25/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
Konjunkturerwartungen erholen sich |
Tue, 08/16/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
Konjunkturerwartungen für die Schweiz sinken weiter |
Wed, 08/17/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
Konjunkturerwartungen im Sog des Brexit-Votums |
Tue, 07/19/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
Konjunkturindikator CEE - Konjunkturerwartungen wieder optimistischer |
Fri, 05/27/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
KPMG and ACCA report calls on standard setters and Islamic banks to work together to harmonise financial reporting |
Mon, 12/03/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
Kroes: state aid rules "part of the solution" to banking crisis |
European Parliament |
Tue, 10/07/2008 |
Euro & Finance, Competition |
Landmark banking supervision rules approved; final go-ahead pending agreement on EP scrutiny |
Wed, 05/22/2013 |
EU Priorities 2020, Euro & Finance |
Langen zu Verlängerung EU-Mindestsätze Mehrwertsteuer |
CDU/CSU-Gruppe im Europäischen Parlament |
Wed, 05/25/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
Le rôle de l'Italie est essentiel pour sortir de la crise, selon Emma Bonino, Mario Monti et Antonio Tajani |
Euractiv |
Tue, 10/18/2011 |
Euro & Finance |
Left MEPs tell Draghi "unaccountable, disastrous ECB policy must face democratic scrutiny" |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Thu, 12/01/2011 |
Euro & Finance |
Left must counter false dominant narrative that ‘austerity has been a success’ |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Fri, 02/21/2014 |
Euro & Finance |
Left rejects budget held hostage to big business |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 10/26/2011 |
Euro & Finance |
Left rejects EU institutionalisation of austerity as default policy |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Tue, 01/31/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
Left tells Italian PM Monti to scrap failed austerity doctrine |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 02/15/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
Lithuanian Presidency must break away from austerity doctrine |
GUE/NGL Group in the EP |
Wed, 07/03/2013 |
EU Priorities 2020, Euro & Finance |
Local government audit needs to be strengthened and clarified, says ACCA’s response to the Local Audit Bill consultation |
Mon, 09/10/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
Löhne in Europa steigen real nur moderat – höhere Tarifbindung für „inklusives Wachstum |
Hans-Böckler-Stiftung |
Thu, 09/06/2018 |
Euro & Finance |
Long-term value creation focus in <IR> framework is a positive step, says ACCA |
Tue, 07/16/2013 |
EU Priorities 2020, Euro & Finance |
Lucke: Commission capitulates before the economic problems of the Eurozone |
ECR Group - European Conservative and Reformist Group |
Thu, 06/01/2017 |
Euro & Finance |
Luigi Gambardella is ETNO’s new Executive Board Chairman |
ETNO - European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association |
Mon, 01/03/2011 |
Euro & Finance, InfoSociety |
Luis de Guindos not the best choice for top job at the ECB, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Mon, 02/19/2018 |
Euro & Finance |
LuxLeaks Berufung: Helden wieder am Pranger - PM MdEP Fabio De Masi (DIE LINKE.) |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Mon, 12/12/2016 |
Euro & Finance, Justice & Home Affairs, Trade & Society |
LuxLeaks-Prozess: Berufungsurteil gegen Whistleblower (DIE LINKE.) |
DIE LINKE. im Europaparlament |
Tue, 03/14/2017 |
Euro & Finance, Justice & Home Affairs |
L’incertitude dans la zone euro au cœur d'un débat organisé par EurActiv |
Euractiv |
Fri, 03/09/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
M&A zwischen Russland und OECD-Staaten brechen ein |
Mon, 05/02/2016 |
Euro & Finance, Europe's East |
M&A-Markt bleibt in Bewegung |
Mon, 04/25/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
Macro economic Dialogue at Political level, 3.11.08 |
CEEP - European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing public services |
Tue, 11/04/2008 |
Trade & Society, Euro & Finance, Competition, Social Europe & Jobs |