The European Commission quadrupled its spending to 198 bil. €, in 2022 - according to public sector analytics platform |
Hermix |
Mon, 07/17/2023 |
Euro & Finance |
The European financial system must throw its weight behind the fight against climate change, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 12/13/2018 |
Euro & Finance |
The eurozone is in urgent need of a fiscal capacity. The euro management profits should directly revert back to reinforce the Monetary Union, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 02/24/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
The eurozone needs a real budget, not a token effort, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 05/31/2018 |
Euro & Finance |
The fight for transparency in the EU must be stepped up |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 09/27/2018 |
Euro & Finance |
The future direction of improved auditor reporting – investors’ voices need to be heard, says ACCA |
Tue, 06/26/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
The Future of Audit |
Wed, 10/12/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
The future of audit policy: what is the most effective way to enhance its value and restore society’s confidence? |
Thu, 12/08/2011 |
Euro & Finance |
The global economy grew substantially in the first quarter of 2012, reveals global survey of accountants |
Wed, 05/02/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
The Impact of Brexit on the Financial Services Industry |
Mon, 10/30/2017 |
Euro & Finance, UK in Europe |
The impact of Digital and Artificial Intelligence on audit and finance professionals |
Fri, 02/01/2019 |
Euro & Finance |
The impact of Digital and Artificial Intelligence on audit and finance professionals: harnessing the opportunities of disruptive technologies |
Thu, 12/13/2018 |
Euro & Finance |
The inclusion of gas and nuclear brings major challenges for the credibility and adoption of the EU Taxonomy |
Eurosif |
Thu, 11/25/2021 |
Euro & Finance |
The Irish crisis shows that Conservatives have lost the plot Angela Merkel is a bad influence |
PES - Party of European Socialists |
Wed, 11/17/2010 |
Euro & Finance |
The New Accounting Directive: A harmonised European Accounting Framework? |
Mon, 06/20/2016 |
Euro & Finance |
The new EU Action Plan to strengthen the fight against tax fraud and tax evasion is a welcome and bold step, says ACCA |
Fri, 12/07/2012 |
Euro & Finance |
The new EU draft legislation on disclosure of non-financial and diversity information: an opportunity we cannot miss! |
Fri, 06/07/2013 |
EU Priorities 2020, Euro & Finance, Trade & Society |
The new Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) proposals still do not lift all the existing concerns over an EU-only tax, says ACCA |
Thu, 02/14/2013 |
EU Priorities 2020, Euro & Finance |
The new Mexican law allowing collective bargaining paves the way for a trade agreement, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Mon, 09/24/2018 |
Euro & Finance |
The populist government sells out Italian’s future for cheap electoral gains and jeopardise the needed review on the Stability and Growth Pact |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Wed, 10/24/2018 |
Euro & Finance |
The real negotiations will start now with the European Parliament |
ALDE - Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe |
Mon, 02/11/2013 |
EU Priorities 2020, Euro & Finance |
The real negotiations will start now with the European Parliament |
EPP Group in the European Parliament |
Mon, 02/11/2013 |
Euro & Finance, EU Priorities 2020 |
The Recovery Fund is a stepping-stone for our common future, say S&Ds |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Tue, 02/09/2021 |
Euro & Finance |
Thu, 10/28/2010 |
Euro & Finance, EU Priorities 2020, Innovation & Enterprise |
The Sustainable Development Goals: Redefining context, risk and opportunity across Africa |
Tue, 11/20/2018 |
Euro & Finance |
The Sustainable Development Goals: redefining global prosperity creation |
Thu, 11/02/2017 |
Euro & Finance, Sustainable Dev. |
The time is right for a European Retail Action Plan, but not for regulatory measures on trading practices |
EuroCommerce |
Thu, 01/31/2013 |
Euro & Finance, Trade & Society |
The Transatlantic Relationship in a Changing World |
AmCham EU |
Wed, 03/02/2016 |
Euro & Finance, Global Europe, Trade & Society |
The UK economy needs a confidence boost, says ACCA |
Wed, 03/13/2019 |
Euro & Finance, UK in Europe |
The VAT system in Europe has reached a breaking point. It is time for a change, say S&D Euro MPs |
S&D - Socialists and Democrats |
Thu, 04/07/2016 |
Euro & Finance |