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We can help Africa and we can stop illegal migration


07 Jun 2016


Global Europe
Justice & Home Affairs

Following the European Commission’s statement on the state of play of the external aspects of the European migration agenda, Manfred Weber MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, commented:

“Migration is one of the most important topics for the EU. We have had an exceptional situation in Europe for many months. We’ve managed to significantly reduce the death toll in the Aegean Sea to stop the migration flow. We can’t afford huge migration flows in Europe and we have to stop illegal migration.

Some EU States still believe that they can manoeuvre through the migration crisis. This is a misconception. It is only the EU that has contributed economically to the Africa Trust Fund although the Member States are responsible for half of the money. Once again, Brussels has delivered but not the Member States. Africa’s population will double by 2050. This requires a coordinated policy approach and a close trade partnership with Africa. If our partners in Africa are not cooperating on migrant returns then there should be consequences in the trade agreements.

We have to better use the available funds on the one hand, and on the other we must find new ways of financing projects such as a European Fund for Strategic Investments for Africa. We will further develop the Blue Card. But the Blue Card must not mean more labour migrants coming to Europe. Our priority is the young jobless Europeans.”


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