Ukraine’s Future Foundation launches national grant competition “Ukraine’s Intellectual Capital”
On October 4, 2013 the first National Grant Competition “Ukraine’s Intellectual Capital” was announced during the Second International Expert Session “How to make intellect a development resource for Ukraine”. The competition and session were both organized by the Ukraine’s Future Foundation.
The purpose of the competition in 2013 is to support projects intended to develop and increase Ukraine’s intellectual capital, and to integrate the country into the world intellectual processes. The primary orientation of this competition is targeting of topics on researching and designing the future of Ukraine and the world.
The main topic areas for 2013 are: Ukraine’s future in the changing world; the future of cities and population systems; new thinking for a new world; education of the future; society of the future and its new values; health and longevity; contemporary art. Projects demonstrating possibility of stable development after the end of financing on the side of the Foundation will be given priority.
The Competition Commission includes writer Lyubomyr Deresh, world-famous director and producer Krzysztof Zanussі, chairman of the Board of the International Institute for Future Studies Volodymyr Nikitin, professor of the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Volodymyr Nudelman, well-known futurologist Sergiy Pereslegin, famous architectural theorist Olexandr Rappaport, Kyiv Heart Centre director Boris Todurov, executive director of the International Bleyzer Foundation Oleg Ustenko and executive director of the Ukrainian Science Club Nataliya Shulga.
“The main focus of the first competition will be made on recreating the key elements of the existing intellectual infrastructure and environments and coming up with new, promising forms. Of course, we do not preclude support for individual cutting edge future-oriented proposals. We want to encourage international and multi-project teams, as well as projects with long-term prospects, but we will also support those concepts that do not require extensive time-frames and funds to be successfully implemented,” says Competition Jury member and Chairman of the Board of the International Institute for Future Studies Volodymyr Nikitin.
Let's note that on October 3, 2013 the meeting of the Members of the Supervisory Board took place where Serhiy Arbuzov, the first vice-premier minister of Ukraine was elected the head of the Supervisory Board.
According to him, development of intellectual potential is one of the most important tasks of social and economic development of Ukraine. “We are open to constructive dialogue and are ready to unite efforts with all participants of this strategic project for our state. I'm sure that breakthrough innovations in all spheres of public life which will promote strengthening of the global competitiveness of Ukraine will become the result of our cooperation”.
For more detailed information regarding the goals, objectives, requirements for eligibility and time-lines, visit the Foundation’s “Ukraine’s Intellectual Capital” competition web-site starting October 4, 2013: http://grants.future-ukraine.org.ua
Informational partners: “Interfax Ukraine”, the news agency; First National, the channel of the National Broadcasting Company of Ukraine; Channel 5; the Kyiv Post weekly; and the Ukraina Moloda daily.
Who we are
The Ukraine’s Future Foundation was established on July 31, 2013 to support and carry out programs, scientific and research studies in areas such as:
- intellectual policy;
- future studies and projects;
- futurology;
- youth policy (support for intellectual development among the youth);
- urban development and population systems;
- innovative learning;
- development of information and communication technologies.
The Foundation’s Goal is to develop and implement strategies for integrating Ukraine into the world intellectual community.
The Foundation’s Mission is to foster qualitative change in the infrastructure of production, developing and applying Ukraine’s intellectual potential as one of the most important resources of the future; to elaborate workable programs for integrating the country into the world intellectual community; to support and provide analytical researches of the leading international work experience with intellectual resources.
Ukraine’s Future Foundation
vul. Simyi Khokhlovykh 15, office 418-420,
Kyiv, Ukraine 04119
Phone/fax: +38 044 207-4768
“I am firmly convinced that only by putting our efforts into intellect we can ensure progress into the future for our country. For me, ‘future’ and ‘intellect’ are two inseparable concepts. This raises an enormous number of questions: How can intellect be supported? What needs to be done to make intellect a true development resource for Ukraine? What can we do so that intellect can be fully exercised in our country? There is no genius who knows the answer to these and many similar questions. So, we must look for the answers together. The Foundation’s web-site is a journal of our collective search,” says Ukraine’s Future Foundation Director Yuriy CHUDNOVSKYI.
“Top priority of the Foundation is to find nascent intellect, support it and enable it to grow, get strong, and become independent,” says the Foundation’s Director, Yuriy Chudnovskyi
“Above all, we are looking for diversity and unconventional approaches, so that we can evaluate the potential of Ukrainians. We want to understand what is out there that we can rely on and support. Of course, there are already societies and groups in Ukraine that are capable of making leaps in key intellectual areas, such as education, the arts, management, research and technologies,” says Competition Jury member and Chairman of the Board of the International Institute for Future Studies Volodymyr Nikitin
Contact person: Iryna Patronyk, Manager, Communication and PR
e-mail: ip@future-ukraine.org.ua
tel.: +38063 264-2242