Transeo, the first European conference wholly devoted to SME transfer!
On 19 and 20 May, Belgium is to host a new conference: Transeo, European Conference on SME Transfer.
Transeo was created by and for professionals working in the sphere of buying and selling
businesses: private consultants (business sale and purchase advisors, accounting experts,
audit firms, lawyers, consultants, notaries, etc.), public business support organisations,
university researchers, financiers and political decision-makers. It aims to enable these
professionals to meet each other in order to improve their skills and their networks. With its
Europe-wide remit, the conference is a major event and a unique meeting-place for the
business transfer sector.
This first ever Transeo will be organised within the framework of the European
Commission’s ‘European SME Week’, and is a recipient of its support. The founding
organisers are from Belgium (with Sowaccess (Société wallonne d’Acquisitions et de
Cessions d’Entreprises), the Agence de Stimulation Economique and MKBase), the
Netherlands (with MKBase) and France (with the CRA, Cédants et Repreneurs d’Affaires).
40 experts from a dozen countries in Europe and further afield will be speaking. Participants
from the 27 countries of the European Union are expected to attend.
On the programme are ten plenary sessions, workshops and networking sessions: the
most important issues in SME transfer will be tackled:
• “Business transfer in Europe: a global issue, a local approach”
• “Business transfer: is it all about raising awareness?”
• "The role of support services in the business transfer process”
• “Strategies for raising the awareness of sellers”
• “Towards a synergy between private and public support organisations to optimise and
professionalise the support services offered to sellers and buyers”
• How can platforms maximise the chances of bringing parties closer in the business transfer
sphere? ”
• etc.
Transeo will also see the launch of Transeo-network, the European SME Transfer
Network. This network’s aim will be to promote professional support for business transfer
processes. Working groups will have the task of debating the advisability of creating a
network, and setting out objectives, activities and a governance structure for the
association to be created.
Transeo will take place on 19 and 20 May 2009 at Spa (Belgium)
Contact: Eric Winnen – 00 32 (0)473 444 839 – eric@transeo-conference.eu
Marie Depelssemaker -00 32 (0)476 090 226 – marie@transeo-conference.eu