“On track for a sustainable future” EIM presents its vision for the future of transport
“Rail transport will play a crucial role in a sustainable, effective and safe intermodal transport network in the coming decades.” These were the conclusions of a paper on the future of transport that Europe’s independent rail infrastructure managers (EIM) presented to the European Commission yesterday.
The paper, entitled “On track for a sustainable future,” forms part of EIM’s response to a wide ranging consultation on the future of transport carried out by the European Commission over the past months. While emphasising the positive contribution rail can make to the twenty-first century transport network, the EIM paper pointed out a number of areas in which EU action is required to allow this to happen.
Michael Robson, Secretary General of EIM said, “European Infrastructure Managers are ready to play their part in developing the sustainable transport network of the future. However, for sustainable transport to become a reality, all stakeholders – both in the transport industry and government – must buy into the concept of green transport, in particular through the adoption of the polluter pays principle.” […]
Please see the attached press release from EIM for the full story.
An electronic version of “On track for a sustainable future” is available here: http://www.eimrail.org/pdf/otherpapers/Future%20of%20Transport%20EIM_final...
Patrick Keating
Public Affairs Manager
European Rail Infrastructure Managers
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