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Think in colour but keep it green! A team of regional experts review Vojvodina energy policies The move to a more sustainable future demands grassroots actions.


25 Oct 2010


Regional Policy

Novi Sad, Vojvodina (SRB), 22 October 2010.

The energy policy for the municipality of Temerin underwent a four-day review in order to design an appropriate model for sustainable energy governance to be adopted first-hand by city hall and further promoted across the whole province of Vojvodina (SRB). Co-funded by the Central European Initiative “Know-how exchange programme”, the peer review strongly focuses on the issue of a more rational use of energy in public and private buildings, the biggest municipal energy consumers. The audit should also contribute to the betterment of the Serbian Energy Development Strategy for Vojvodina, carried out by the regional administration since 2007.

“Achieving a successful transition of our region to a low-energy intense territory should have important spill-over effects. The reduction of energy consumption which reaches in Vojvodina the record high levels remains our forefront priority. But we also expect this project to create totally new opportunities, such as green jobs, enhanced economic development, sustainable tourism and a healthier livelihood” said Ms Branislava Belić, vice-president of the Assembly of Vojvodina.

“We strongly hope the peer review will not only contribute to improvement of our energy policy-making style but will also inspire change in individual behaviours. As local communities always look alike their citizens, local actors should actively participate in making them more sustainable. A bottom-up approach is a must when it comes to addressing the issue of energy wasting. And we are happy that our municipality has been chosen to forerun this green revolution”, added András Guszton, mayor of the municipality of Temerin. Ms Martina Demattio from the South Tirol energy agency recognised that “change happen when people want it to come. It is why we conduct our audit at regional and municipal levels. Sustainable energy policies found its source in our territories.”

During the peer review, five energy experts: Martina Demattio and Ulrich Klammsteiner from the Bolzano KlimaHaus (I), Catalin Csaszar and Florin Andronescu from the energy agencies of Prahova and Alba Iulia (RO) as well as an AER representative conducted numerous field inspections and interviews to ascertain that ambitious energy goals are appropriately supported by the sectoral policies, as well as sufficient funding and skilful human resources. They met with the representatives of the local government, companies producing and distributing heat and electrical energy, environmental NGOs, development agencies, regional chamber of commerce, local planners, architects, constructors, hotel owners, school directors and enterprises responsible for the refurbishment and maintenance of electrical installations. The audit was completed with a half-day visit to the Temerin primary school where a local experimental centre for promotion of energy efficiency and low-carbon energies is set to be created.

The final report from the peer review should be published by mid-February 2011.

The Assembly of European Regions (AER – is the largest independent network of regions in wider Europe. Bringing together more than 270 regions from 33 countries and 16 interregional organisations, AER is the political voice of its members and a forum for interregional co-operation.

AER Contacts

Francine Huhardeaux
Press & Communications Officer
+33 3 88 22 74 49

Valentina Guerra / Antonio Buscardini
Press & Communication Assistants
+33 3 88 22 74 33/44 

Christina Diegelmann
‘Economy and Regional development’ Committee - Senior Policy Coordinator
+33 3 88 22 74 38

Justyna Podralska
‘Economy and Regional development’ Committee - Policy Coordinator
+33 3 88 22 74 37

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