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Taxis for green mobility


Tue, 10/13/2009



3rd International IRU Taxi Forum feeds COP15 Climate Change Conference debate and stresses the need for government incentives to reduce CO2 emissions.

Copenhagen – Prior to the UN Copenhagen COP15 Climate Change Conference in December, over 100 taxi business leaders from Europe, Russia, Asia and Africa gathered at the 3rd International IRU Taxi Forum on “Taxis for clean air”, and called upon COP15 participants and policy decision makers at local, national and regional levels alike, to introduce incentives to support further greening of taxi services.

Jointly organised by the IRU and its Danish Member Association, Dansk Taxi Rad (DTR), the 3rd International IRU Taxi Forum explored the green potential of latest car technologies, innovative industry practices and alternative fuels, with the view to expedite their introduction to achieve sustainable mobility for all.

The IRU Forum highlighted that taxis are an integral part of the mobility chain and key complements of other passenger transport modes, with genuine potential of offering even greener mobility. “Governments gathering at the COP15 risk missing CO2 targets if they fail to seize the opportunity to support the taxi industry in its effort to provide even greener taxi services“, commented the President of the IRU Taxi Group, Hubert Andela.

A 2009 IRU survey showed that the taxi industry is increasingly investing in greener fleets and operations. In countries such as Sweden, Switzerland and Norway, hybrid cars already represent at least 3% of the market share, and an important number of taxis are running on alternative fuels in Brazil (86%), Bulgaria (70%), Germany (22%) or Sweden (18%).

Hubert Andela further explained, “The taxi industry today reconfirmed its commitment to cleaner air by implementing the greenest and most fuel-efficient technologies and practices. This requires enhanced partnerships with vehicle manufacturers and fuel distributors, but more importantly government incentives aimed at taxi operators, if we are to boost the use alternative fuels and purchase of greener vehicles.”

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See the highlights of the 3rd International IRU Taxi Forum.

See factsheet on

Market penetration of fuels other than diesel and petrol in the taxi industry
Market penetration of hybrid cars in the taxi industry
IRU eco-driving for taxis - checklist

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International Road Transport Union (IRU)

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CH-1211 Geneva 20



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