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Tax as a force for good: rebalancing our tax systems to support a global economy fit for the future


14 Jan 2019


Euro & Finance
27 February 2019
Press Club, rue Froissart 95, Brussels
The foundations of modern tax systems were laid down in the era of the industrial revolution: before globalisation and mass consumption, before the emergence of climate disruption and water supply risks, and before digitisation, automation and robotisation. Considering today’s fast-changing world, tax systems will need to adapt. 
Just as we now see our planet as an interconnected system, we must take a fresh look at our tax systems as a whole. Specific tax measures, such as a carbon tax, landfill levies or taxes on single-use plastic, may help but they are no longer enough. In order to craft a tax system that is fit for the 21st century, it is necessary to think more widely about what governments should be taxing, and how the tax revenues should be used. 
ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), which recently issued its report called Tax as a force for good: Rebalancing our tax systems to support a global economy fit for the future,  and Deloitte are delighted to invite you to a lively debate to explore how shifting tax from labour to natural resource use, pollution and consumption could help meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and an inclusive, circular economy.
RSVP to by 13 February
DRAFT agenda 
11.45am Registrations and light lunch
12.30pm Welcome speech, Gianmarco Monsellato, EU Tax Public Policy Leader, Deloitte 
12.40pm Key note speech Kurt van Dender, leader of  the Tax and Environment Unit, OECD
12.50pm Keynote speech Heidi Hautala, MEP  
13.00pm Panel discussion moderated by Yen-Pei Chen, senior tax manager at ACCA
  • Carola Maggiulli, Head of sector, Environmental, energy, transport taxation and FTT,  DG TAXUD
  • Dr Andreas Strub, Head of Unit of Tax Policy, Export Credits and Regional Policy Secretariat General of the Council, tbc
  • Femke Groothuis , President & Wavemaker, Extax,
  • Malte Weisshaar, Director EU Finance and Taxes, Energy Taxation, Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (CCI Germany)
  • Véolia, name tbc
14.05pm Q&As
14.20pm Concluding remarks,  Gianpiero  Nacci, Deputy Head of Energy Efficiency & Climate Change Department at the EBRD ( including Climate Finance &  Finance and Climate Resilience) 


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