Taking stock of the past five years: S&Ds delivered historic progress for social Europe
The Socialists and Democrats are looking forward to reflecting on the work done in the area of employment and social affairs over the past five years. Today, the European Parliament’s employment committee will look back at the past mandate, together with the commissioner for jobs and social rights Nicolas Schmit who successfully put forward a series of far-reaching legislative proposals. Commissioner Schmit managed to fulfil all his tasks as set out in his mission letter to strengthen social Europe – the tasks that the S&Ds have pushed for.
Pedro Marques, S&D vice-president responsible for a social Europe, said:
“Over the past five years, the progressive family continued to accomplish historic progress for social Europe.
“Faithful to our promises of implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights, we have just delivered the pioneering EU law on the protection of platform workers. This is only the most recent of our achievements.
“As Europeans grapple with high living costs and other dire implications of the war in our immediate neighbourhood and other multiple crises, we remain true to our basic principles. Another concrete example: the European instrument to secure jobs in crises, known as SURE, for which commissioner Schmit was vital.”
Agnes Jongerius, S&D spokesperson for employment, added:
“We will never get tired of repeating that Europe is about people and that we want a Europe where all workers earn a decent wage, all people can afford a place to live and no child grows up in poverty. We are extremely proud to end this mandate with a long list of fulfilled promises that bring us closer to our common goals.
“Besides the historic EU law on platform work, we delivered another ground-breaking EU law on adequate minimum wages, which will benefit up to 25 million workers through higher minimum wages. We further strengthened the pillar of social rights and worker’s health and safety. We established the Child Guarantee to eradicate child poverty. But we will not stop here. There is still lot to do. We will keep on fighting to ensure the right to disconnect and minimum income to all people in need.”
Note to editors:
The list of main progressive achievements in the area of employment and social affairs over the past five years:
- EU law on the protection of platform workers
- EU law on adequate minimum wages
- EU law on pay transparency
- EU law on European disability cards
- Revised EU laws on protecting workers from the risks of asbestos and carcinogens
- Protecting children from poverty with the Child Guarantee
- Action plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights
- Enshrining social conditionality in EU financial legislation to ensure that EU money can only be available when social rights are respected Establishment of the European instrument for temporary support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency (SURE)
- Revision of the European Social Fund plus (ESF+) and the European Globalisation Fund for displaced workers (EGF)
- Establishment of a European platform on combatting homelessness