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Symbols of the Union to be adopted by Parliament


11 Sep 2008


EU Priorities 2020

The European Union flag, anthem and motto are to be formally recognised by the European Parliament in October. A proposal to amend Parliament's rules of procedure so as to formalise its use of these symbols was approved by the Constitutional Affairs Committee on Thursday, but still needs to be endorsed in plenary session.

Solid legal basis for supervision
The flag, a circle of twelve golden stars on a blue background, will be displayed in all EP meeting rooms and at EP official events, says the report, drafted by Carlos Carnero Gonzales (PES, ES) and  approved in committee with 20 votes in favour and four against.
The anthem, based on the "Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, is to be performed at the opening ceremony following each European election and at formal sittings.
The motto, "United in diversity", will be reproduced on all Parliament's official documents.
Finally, the celebration of Europe Day on 9 May is also to be formally recognised in Parliament's rules of procedure.
Any amendment to the rules of procedure must be approved by an absolute majority of MEPs (i.e. at least 393 votes in favour).

11/09/2008; In the Chair : Jo LEINEN (PES, DE)
Procedure: Amendment to the Rules of Procedure ; Plenary vote: October I

Contact: Federico DE GIROLAMO, Press service, Tel: (32-2) 28 31389 (BXL)
: (33-3) 881 72850 (STR)
Fax: : (32) 0498.983.591,


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