Switch on to the universal charger!
ANEC welcomes today’s decision of the European Parliament to make the interoperability of mobile phones and other devices with universal chargers an essential requirement of the radio equipment directive (RED), a decision in line with our position[1]. The European Commission will determine which categories of products should fall under this obligation.
“The decision by MEPs to favour a universal charger will reduce waste and should help consumers save money”, said ANEC Secretary-General, Stephen Russell. “It is also timely, coming a little ahead of International Consumers Day on 15 March[2]. To mark the event, Consumers International, the international consumers organisation of which ANEC is a member, has launched a campaign, Fix our phone rights![3]. As chargers are used for many other devices, we are pleased the Parliament heard our call for a common external power supply (CEPS) for other radio devices as well.”
MEPs also agreed on the possibility to require manufacturers to register products showing low levels of compliance in a central system prior to placing them on the market, another proposal supported by ANEC.
Stephen Russell added, “We believe the register will improve traceability and help encourage the conformity of products placed on the market with legislation. Both can foster strengthened consumer protection”.
ANEC is also pleased the review of the operation of the Directive by the Commission will cover consumer protection and not only the creation of an open and competitive market for radio equipment in the EU. Finally, we are particularly pleased that our proposal to refer to the “foreseeable behaviour” of consumers was reflected in the directive. Consumers can be protected effectively only if foreseeable behaviours are taken into account by manufacturers in the design of products.
[1] ANEC Position Paper on the European Commission Proposal for a Directive on the making available on the market of radio equipment (RED) http://tinyurl.com/q2qwmnl
[2] World Consumer Rights Day (WCRD) was established on 15 March 1983 to promote consumer rights around the world.
[3] http://www.consumersinternational.org/our-work/wcrd/wcrd-2014/