Successful REACH registration for all Nickel REACH Consortia substances
The Nickel Institute today announced the successful REACH registration of the 13 dossiers of substances covered by the Nickel REACH Consortia.
The Institute had initiated the registration process in April 2010 with the registration of Nickel Metal and Nickel Sulphate by the Lead Registrants.
Three additional substances were successfully registered in July 2010, and all the Lead Registrants for the eight remaining substances today received confirmation of the registration of their dossiers.
This achievement has been made possible thanks to the excellent work of the Lead Registrants who made a considerable effort to achieve registration well before the dead-line advised by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA).
The registration of these 13 dossiers was challenging and necessitated the cooperation of several actors in the Nickel industry value chain including importers, producers as well as downstream users such as the stainless steel, alloy, plating, batteries and catalyst industries.
Despite several IT issues, solved thanks to the technical support of ECHA, the formal registration phase is now completed.
Speaking on behalf of the Nickel Institute, Dr. Kevin Bradley, Head of the Brussels Office stated that “this achievement facilitates the work of all companies who are members of the SIEF and who are interested in participating in the Joint Submission of data on a substance included in the REACH Consortia”.
However, Dr. Bradley also noted that “it is now urgent for those companies who are not yet active to contact the Nickel REACH Consortia (reach@nickelinstitute.org ) as quickly as possible to get legitimate access to the data and achieve their own registration”.
Online information: http://www.nickelconsortia.org/reach-registration.html