A success for the 2017 SNIAA Flavour Day
Thu, 11/23/2017
Agriculture & Food
SNIAA, the French Flavour Association, organised for the third time a Flavour Day on November 16th, following the FlavourDays in Brussels (June), London (September) and Copenhagen (October) and before the Flavour Days in Istanbul and Berlin in 2018.
With more than 220 participants, national and international experts of the food industry (beverages, dairy products, biscuits, spirits, etc.) and the flavour industry, the room was packed to discuss varied and enriching themes.
"We are delighted that this day is so successful because it is an opportunity for us to demonstrate to our customers that we want to help them to improve their understanding of flavourings" says Michel JOANNIC, SNIAA Vice-President.
What are the take-aways of this day?
First of all, flavourings are quality ingredients and the food industry must unravel the true from the false when hearing some preconceived ideas about flavour ingredients.
Indeed, flavourings have a key role to play in today and tomorrow’s food. "Flavourings are one of the key factors of innovation for the food industry," argued Sylvain ZAFFARONI of Cook Innov.
Recipes that appeal to consumers are the ones that have taste. This was evidenced by the result of the survey conducted at the beginning of the conference: "taste" and "pleasure" were the terms most often mentioned by the participants to describe flavourings.
The audience was kept in suspense until the end, with presentations alternating between questions to the public, awareness of the challenges facing the flavour
industry, regulatory reminders, and of course tasting experiences to illustrate that flavourings are rich and are far from standardising taste.
What comes next?
The final word goes to Eric ANGELINI, SNIAA President "the 2017 Flavour Day, as the one of 2016, has fulfilled its objectives: to raise awareness and communicate about flavourings ... the record participation shows that our products are worthwhile!".
Rendez-vous is given in 2018 for a new Flavour Day … to be followed !
SNIAA, French Flavour Association, federates and represents 95% of French flavour companies, which represents about sixty companies, 90% of which are SMEs. SNIAA is recognized and respected as an essential partner of the flavour and food chain in France and in Europe. www.sniaa.org
Press relations : Cécile Pinel, cecile.pinel@sniaa.org, +33 (0)1 46 53 10 10
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