Subsidising the coal industry: Parliament's two big groups pander to vested interests
"We regret the result of today's vote, which calls for the continuation of subsidies to a non-competitive sector, like coal, which has been unable to reform for decades." said Sophie in't Veld (D66, Netherlands) ALDE spokesperson criticising the result of today's vote on state aid to facilitate the closure of uncompetitive coal mines, which modified the Commission proposal for a phase out by 1 October 2014 to 2018. "At the time of economic crisis, tax payer's money has to be spent wisely, like investing in future and sustainable technologies rather than propping up outdated industries."
The Coal Regulation (No 1407/2002) expires at the end of 2010. In the absence of a new legal framework allowing for certain specific types of State Aid to the coal industry, the Commission has put forward a proposal aiming to phase out subsidies in order to facilitate the closure of uncompetitive coal mines by 1 October 2014 and to provide social and safety payments until 2026
"ALDE favoured a phase out by 2014, in line with the Commission's recommendations, that would have included social transition measures to avoid any job losses, but the EPP and S&D have decided to continue pumping money into a bottomless pit. We hope now that the Commission will have the courage to stick to its original proposal and resist similar political pressure from certain Member States." in't Veld concluded
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