Steel: EPP Group wants action and investment for the future


Wed, 03/16/2016


Social Europe & Jobs

"A lot of jobs in the European steel sector are threatened and we need concrete measures to address the urgent challenges posed by unfair trade practices. We also need a real, long-term strategy which will ensure that European steel has a bright future and contributes to the re-industrialising of the EU," said Françoise Grossetête MEP, Vice-Chairwoman of the EPP Group responsible for its Working Group on Economy and Environment, after the European Commission today released a communication on how to deal with the European steel sector today and tomorrow.

The European steel sector directly employs 328,000 people and many more jobs are dependent on it. The steel sector is of key importance for our manufacturing industry, but substantial drops in demand for steel and severe challenges, in terms of restructuring and a lack of investment, threatens its future and its long-term competitiveness.

"We agree with the Commission that short-term measures to stabilise the steel industry cannot stand alone. To ensure its long-term competitiveness, the sector needs to invest in new technology, upgrade the skills of the people it employs and we need to make sure that we have competitive energy prices," said Françoise Grossetête.

The EPP Group has called for the European Commission to be proactive on steel sector policies and has proposed a number of actions to be taken in its recent declaration on the steel sector.


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