Standards for Services will be main focus of the 2nd European Standardization Summit in Copenhagen on 19 June 2013
Brussels, 14 June 2013 - 'IMPROVING THE STANDARD OF SERVICES - The road ahead for European Standardization' is the theme of the 2nd European Standardization Summit, which takes place in Copenhagen (Denmark) on 19 June 2013. The Summit is organised by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), and hosted by Danish Standards (DS), which is a member of both CEN and CENELEC.
CEN and CENELEC will take this opportunity to show that standardization has a lot to offer the service sector. In many cases, standards are already being used as tools to improve the quality of services, satisfy the expectations of customers, support the spread of innovation, and make service-providers more efficient and competitive.
The development of standards for services is a growing area of activity for the European standardization organisations. CEN has already published more than 90 standards and specifications that relate directly to different types of services (such as furniture removal services, public transport services, translation services, cleaning services, etc.).
In response to a request from the European Commission (Mandate M/517), the CEN Strategic Advisory Group on Services will seek to establish in the coming months what possibilities exist for the development of new horizontal standards for services. Such standards would deal with aspects that are relevant to many different kinds of services (such as the provision of information to customers, procedures for complaints and redress, etc.).
The Summit in Copenhagen will be opened by Annette VILHELMSEN, Danish Minister of Business and Growth. The theme 'The Service Industry and Future Trends' will be introduced by Prof. Dr. Paul GEMMEL, an expert in services management from the University of Ghent (Faculty of Economics and Business Economics) and the Vlerick Business School.
A senior representative of the European Commission, Maria REHBINDER (Head of Unit: Business-to-Business Services, DG Internal Market and Services) will explain how standards can help to strengthen the European single market for services.
The programme also includes presentations of case studies, looking at how European Standards are already being applied in relation to different kinds of services.
The 2nd European Standardization Summit will be attended by more than 200 delegates including representatives of national, European and international standards organisations, business and industry, the European Commission, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), national governments and public authorities, as well as societal stakeholders including consumer and environmental organisations.
The Second European Standardization Summit is being organised by CEN and CENELEC, and hosted by Danish Standards (DS).
The Summit will take place at the Hotel Scandic Copenhagen (see photo) on 19 June 2013 (from 14:00 to 18:00), preceding the 39th CEN General Assembly and the 53nd CENELEC General Assembly, which will both take place in the same venue on 20 June.
The Summit programme can be found on the CEN-CENELEC website.
For more information about this event please see the special event website.
(Please note that registrations have now closed)
For more information about European Standards for services please see the CEN website.
Read the full press release (pdf version)
Media contact
Ben Carlin
Communication Unit
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre
T: +32 2 550 08 32
Twitter: @CENCLCpress