Sophie in 't Veld receives EPIC International Champion of Freedom Award


Thu, 01/27/2011



Dutch MEP Sophie in 't Veld (D66/ALDE) has been honoured today at  the annual Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection in Brussels.

Dubbed "Liberal Crusader'' by a newspaper, the social-liberal MEP has taken the lead on many privacy issues, like PNR and SWIFT and she has worked very hard as a politician to safeguard civil liberties.

Ms In't Veld said: "I'm extremely happy and proud to have been nominated by EPIC for the international champion of freedom award. Freedom is something very precious and we always have to be vigilant. EPIC is an organization that I appreciate and admire a lot. They really make a difference as a transatlantic alliance of people who fight for freedom."

The EPIC international champion of freedom award is meant as an encouragement to continue to fight for freedom. "Freedom lies at the heart of democratic societies. The current popular uprisings amongst North African authoritarian regimes is powerful evidence of the value attached to basic freedoms. I promise EPIC that I will live up to their high standards in the years to come" she concluded.

For more information, please contact / Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter:
Corlett Neil - Tel:+32 2 284 20 77 Mob:+32 478 78 22 84
Terzi Federica - Tel:+32 2 283 23 24 Mob:+32 494 18 88 31


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