The situation in Ukraine: Information from gas infrastructure operators in Europe


Tue, 03/11/2014



The supply of natural gas is robust in Europe. Up to now, the recent developments in Ukraine have not affected gas flows to European countries and the level of gas in stock is high for this period of the year. However, GIE is monitoring the situation closely.

Ukraine is one of the major supply routes for the supply of Russian gas to Europe. Therefore, the situation between Russia and Ukraine raises the question of European security of gas supply. So far, there are no reports that security of gas supply to Member States of the European Union would be threatened.

Since the gas crisis between Ukraine and Russia in 2009, members of Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) – transmission system operators, storage operators and LNG terminal operators – have assessed the security of supply situation and reacted to potential risks by direct investments in new infrastructure making West-East supplies possible to many countries. The EU gas infrastructure constitutes a robust system for all European gas consumers, with many supply options. A potential disruption on the Ukrainian route could be mitigated via re-routing to other supply routes from Russia, or from other export countries (Norway, etc.), including LNG from many countries.

Transmission of gas from storage and LNG terminals is possible in case of problems

Members of Gas Transmission Europe (GTE) have now assessed the supply situation in close co-operation with their national competent authorities and expect that most of the European transmission systems currently can withstand a disruption of Russian gas through Ukraine. The pipeline network is available for diverting gas flows in case of supply problems from Russia from storage and LNG to market.

Storage is key for European security of supply

Gas storage in Europe has proven in recent years the capability to contribute significantly to security of supply. Gas Storage Europe (GSE) wants to highlight that storages have shown this also in critical situations and periods of very low temperatures.

GSE provides actual data regarding storage inventory in Europe on a daily basis. The GSE AGSI+ platform is accessible at: On 10 March, there is more than 37 bcm of gas in stock in Europe and storage installations are about 47 % full. This is higher than at the same date one year ago.

LNG ensures diversification of supply

LNG plays an essential role in enhancing security and diversification of both sources and routes in Europe. It makes gas reserves around the world accessible to the European market. LNG ships can be diverted or LNG cargoes reloaded to supply any EU terminal where gas is most needed by responding to market needs.

Gas LNG Europe (GLE) provides actual data regarding LNG inventory on a daily basis. The GLE ALSI platform is accessible at: On 9 March at 06:00 (CET), there is 4.2 million cubic meter of LNG in stock in European LNG terminals (about 2.5 bcm of natural gas).

Note to Editors
Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) is an association representing the interests of European natural gas infrastructure operators active in natural gas transmission, storage and LNG regasification. GIE is a trusted partner of European institutions, regulatory bodies and industry stakeholders. It is based in Brussels, the heart of European policymaking.

GIE currently represents 69 member companies from 25 countries. Its internal structure has three columns corresponding to the three types of infrastructure activities represented: GTE (Gas Transmission Europe), GSE (Gas Storage Europe) and GLE (Gas LNG Europe), all of which fall under the umbrella of GIE. This structure allows member companies to speak with one voice on infrastructure topics as well as to build positions on column-specific issues.

To find out more about GIE’s structure and activities, please visit our website at

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Should you require any further information please contact:
Boyana Achovski
T : +32 2 209 05 08
M : +32 496 126 951