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Silicones are key to renewable energy deployment, new documentary shows


Thu, 02/25/2016


Innovation & Enterprise

Brussels, 25 February 2016.  “Energy  Landscape”  is  the  first  of  an  exciting  four-part  minidocumentary  series  that  profiles  silicones  as  key  technology  enablers  that  will  help  to  meet  the world’s energy needs.

According to the  latest report  from the International Energy Agency, renewables accounted for half of  all  new  power  generation  capacity  installed  globally  last  year.  And considering the COP21 commitment to stick to a 2 degree scenario, wind energy is high on the agenda as a key strategy that will help countries meet their climate change targets.

Northern  Power  Systems  (NPS),  a  company  that  designs,  manufactures  and  installs  wind  turbines gave us a tour of their operations in Stranraer (Scotland) and explained why they use silicones. In the words  of  Iain  Hardie,  Senior  Sales  Manager  for  NPS,  silicones  help  “maximise  energy  efficiency, increase operational lifetimes, reduce unit costs and accelerate wind energy deployment”.

Silicone chemistry products allow for net CO2 reductions of about 52 million tonnes per year in the EU, North America and Japan. Silicones are used for their unique properties in solar panels and wind turbines to generate clean energy.  Silicone help ball bearings run efficiently  and  enable  insulation products, coatings and sealants to save energy – and lots of it.


Silicone producers across Europe have come together to launch a new campaign that aims to raise the awareness of the little known and impressive benefits of silicones.

“When people think about silicones, window sealants or baking moulds often come to mind,” said Dr. Pierre Germain, Secretary General of CES - Silicones Europe. “But silicone producers also help engineers, scientists, inventors and companies create thousands of other consumer and industrial applications”.

Our year-round campaign will focus on four sectors where silicones’ enabling properties make their most smart and surprising contributions – renewable energy and energy-efficiency, construction, healthcare and transport.

Let us know how silicones help you work better. Join the campaign on Twitter and YouTube.


About  CES  –  Silicones  Europe:  We  are  a  non-profit  trade  organisation  representing  all  major producers  of  silicones, silanes and siloxanes in Europe.  CES is a sector group of the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC), which is both the forum and voice of the European chemicals industry.  We provide health, safety and environmental information on and are dedicated to the principles of Responsible Care. Visit or follow us @siliconesEU.

Media contact: Dr. Pierre Germain, CES Secretary General, +32 (0)2 676 73 77 or


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