The SFERA-III project organises its Final Event
On December 13th, the SFERA-III project organizes its Final Event at the H10 Hotel Puerta de Alcalá, in Madrid, Spain.
Five years from its beginning in January 2019, the SFERA-III project has achieved the scientific and technical objectives set. On December 13th, the SFERA-III Final Event will be held both online and physically in Madrid, Spain (H10 Hotel Puerta de Alcalá). This event will gather more than 80 representatives from the research and academic community (active in the field of concentrated solar power, solar tower technology, thermal storage, small-scale solar heat and power cogeneration, high-temperature processes, water treatment or solar fuel productions); potential end-users and lead industry users; researchers and engineers from companies; policy-makers; representatives from EU projects and initiatives (ESTELA, EU-SOLARIS, Clean Energy Transition Partnership…).
During the event, the main outcomes of SFERA-III networking, trans-national access and joint research activities will be presented in an open workshop. The impact of the project results will be discussed with policy-makers, stakeholders, and the general public, in the form of three interactive sessions, featuring also the participation of external experts and project collaborators.
The Final Event will start with a welcome by CIEMAT and three keynotes: one from Spanish Government representatives for SET Plan, and R&I funding opportunities one from an EC representative from Directorate-General RTD, Research and Innovation, and one from a representative the CET Partnership. Then the event will consist of three interactives sessions: Session 1 - Key outcomes of the SFERA-III networking & trans-national access activities; Session 2 - Key outcomes of the SFERA-III joint research activities; and Session 3 - Open perspective and future possible actions/opportunities at the EU level.
Launched in January 2019, SFERA-III (Solar Facilities for the European Research Area - Third Phase) is a 9,103M€ Horizon 2020 project funded under the Research Infrastructures programme with the aims to: i) Foster the innovation potential and sustainability of Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) research infrastructure (RIs); ii) Reduce fragmentation of the CST research and innovation ecosystem through the support to the consolidation of a CST network ; iii) Boost and better coordinate the use of CST RIs by international researchers; and iv) Join European R&D forces to improve services and equipment of SFERA-III RIs.
Coordinated by CIEMAT, it has brought together 15 partners from 9 EU Member States around three main activities:
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 823802.