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S&Ds: We stand united as guardians of human rights globally


Thu, 02/29/2024


Justice & Home Affairs

The European Parliament has approved its ‘Report on human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter - annual report 2023’. This report calls for an even more committed role of the EU, with more assertive, decisive and effective policies and actions. Led by the S&D Group, the report reaffirms the universality, interdependence and indivisibility of human rights and the EU’s duty to protect these values. It also calls for the consistent implementation of human rights clauses in EU international agreements and a more proactive use of the EU Global Sanctions Regime on Human Rights and the adoption of targeted sanctions against corruption.

Nacho Sánchez Amor, S&D MEP and EP rapporteur on the Report, commented:

“Authoritarian and illiberal regimes are increasingly attacking the universal essence of human rights, corrupting democratic principles and the rule of law around the world. Despite right-wing political groups’ complete lack of concern and constant attempts to water down the agenda of human rights at the European Parliament, we, the Progressives, keep fighting to counter them and to safeguard democracy and our hard-won universal rights by strengthening the EU’s toolbox in this regard. 

“We must stand united as guardians of human rights globally and express a defiant attitude reaffirming our commitment to their universality - as a world of democracies that protects human rights is also a safer world.”