S&Ds green-light money for research and innovation over the next seven years
€95.517 billion is now available to fund important research across the EU. The Horizon Europe programme has just received the green light from the European Parliament, led by the Socialists and Democrats. Investing in research and innovation will help Europe compete on a global scale and preserve the EU’s social model.
Dan Nica MEP, S&D spokesperson on research and negotiator on the file, said:
“Our Group has insisted on ambitious investment in research and innovation, and ensured budgetary stability and predictability in order to have a Horizon Europe programme that will deliver on future challenges. The allocation of the money within the programme reflects the ambitions of the Union and the challenges our society faces, including the recovery from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The budgets of several parts of the programme have been increased, including the Health cluster (particularly important to fight Covid-19), the Climate, energy and mobility cluster, the Digital, industry and space cluster, the Culture, creativity and inclusive society cluster, the European Research Council, research infrastructures, and also the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions. We are happy to have our achievements confirmed in plenary.
“The text we are voting on fully reflects the agreement reached during negotiations. Horizon Europe is now fully aligned with the duration of the EU budget (MFF) 2021-2027, it includes provisions dealing with academic freedom, respect for human rights, inclusion and attractive and equitable remuneration for scientists. The final document also includes cross-cutting provisions on climate and biodiversity, the rule of law and protection of the financial interests of the EU.
“Research and innovation have been key in battling the coronavirus outbreak. More than €1 billion from the previous programme, Horizon 2020, has been pledged to ensure collaborative development and the universal deployment of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines. Horizon Europe will maximise the impact and relevance to society, and exploit the full potential for fundamental research and breakthrough innovation, in the best interests of citizens and contributing to the European recovery.”