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S&Ds: Europe and Africa must face together common and global challenges. This is the only way forward to stability and development


Fri, 04/13/2018


Development Policy
Global Europe
Infrastructure, wildlife and ocean conservation, food security and the blue economy were high on the agenda of the East Africa regional meeting of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya, on 11-13 April.
MEPs met national parliamentarians from the East Africa region to discuss joint approaches on common challenges facing Europe and Africa. S&D MEPs Marie Arena, Marlene Mizzi and Ricardo Serrão Santos were in attendance.
Marie Arena MEP, S&D spokesperson of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, said:
“East Africa is facing significant challenges across the region in ensuring political and economic stability. Establishing stability is key, not only for supporting development, infrastructure expansion and encouraging investment, but particularly to ensure prosperity reaches rural areas and small island states.
“Remote areas are also particularly vulnerable to climate change and food insecurity, which is putting increasing pressure on migratory flows. Across the continent push-factors are driving migration, and Africa is shouldering an enormous responsibility by hosting the majority of African migrants. Kenya and Uganda in particular are playing a significant role in promoting stability and supporting refugees from the region and beyond.
“The major challenges we face in Europe and Africa are global ones: the fight against poverty, insecurity, climate change, IUU fisheries and environmental degradation. In this context, and pledging to tackle them together, it is time to relaunch our ACP-EU relationship for a modern, sustainable and strengthened partnership beyond 2020.”