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S&Ds: EU Trust Fund for Africa must put the people first


Tue, 09/13/2016


Global Europe

European Socialists and Democrats condemn any use of the EU Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF) for financing border management and controls, underlining the need for using the total amount of development funds solely for development projects such as education, health care and infrastructure.

Following today’s adoption by the European Parliament of a resolution on the EU Trust Fund for Africa, S&D MEP and shadow rapporteur, Arne Lietz said:
"Border controls only aggravate the problem; if a person in need has to flee, we must not prevent him/her from applying for asylum in Europe.
"Tackling the root causes of migration means putting together programmes which would fight against youth unemployment, build up a health care system and improve education, as well as strengthening civil society."

S&D MEP and development co-ordinator, Norbert Neuser said:
"The fact that trust funds are not under the scrutiny of the European Parliament is a huge problem.  Development policy can only be properly implemented if a budget is available for this purpose. The new trend for more flexibility of projects must not jeopardize long-term programmes that eventually lead to sustainable development."


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