S&Ds ensure strong energy targets for member states and the inclusion of energy poverty in the EU strategy
Brussels, 7 December 2017
The all-party parliamentary committees on climate and energy today voted on an important report on EU energy governance, aimed at ensuring that the EU’s energy goals to comply with the Paris climate change agreement are met.
This report is part of the Clean Energy Package and is crucial because it will ensure the fulfilment of 2030 energy and climate targets, in the absence of the national binding targets.
MEP Theresa Griffin, S&D spokesperson on this file in the industry and energy committee, said:
“After crucial wins on Energy Efficiency and Renewables last week, today a progressive framework to enact these achievements was secured. This includes meeting the Energy Union's 2030 energy and climate objectives, whilst developing Integrated National Energy and Climate plans that cover the five dimensions of the Energy Union.
“More importantly, the Parliament reaffirmed its commitment to tackling energy poverty. This text includes a clear definition on energy poverty and guidelines for member states to report on those suffering from energy poverty. Furthermore, amendments on a Just Transition fund were secured, ensuring that workers in heavy carbon industries are provided with the skills and training necessary to access jobs in the clean energy economy.”
MEP Carlos Zorrinho, S&D spokesperson on this file in the environment committee, said:
"The vote today is an important step forward in the implementation of a European energy policy of decarbonisation with a strong focus on clean energy, renewables, energy efficiency and interconnections.
“The fight against energy poverty and for a Just Transition fund for all citizens has been fortified and conditions have been created to improve the quality of life of European citizens.
“Furthermore, the targets and objectives approved provide a strong incentive to modernise industry and services in the European Union, making the most of the energy transition and the digital revolution.”
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