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S&Ds: Energy efficiency is key to tackle high electricity bills and climate change, but the most vulnerable must not bear the transition costs


Wed, 07/13/2022



The S&D Group built a strong majority as the leading negotiating power in the European Parliament’s committee on industry, research and energy (ITRE), where members today adopted their position on the Energy Efficiency Directive. The Socialists and Democrats welcome the legislative proposal in the context of the problems facing the EU, such as the dependency on Russian energy, climate emergency and rising prices of energy resources. However, they added a strong social element as the much needed energy efficiency must not be carried on the shoulders of households with lower incomes, nor on Europeans that are already in a situation of energy poverty.

Niels Fuglsang, S&D MEP and EP negotiator on the Energy Efficiency Directive, said:

“Reducing energy consumption is good for both your pocket and for the planet. This is why we need nationally binding energy efficiency targets. I am happy that we managed to have a broad majority supporting a more ambitious Directive reducing energy consumption by 40% in 2030, compared to 2007, instead of the 36% in the initial legislative proposal.

“Every time we increase energy efficiency by 1%, we reduce natural gas imports by 2,6%. A strong energy efficiency Directive will help us become independent from Russian fossil fuels. I am also satisfied that we managed to increase the percentage of annual energy savings that national governments should report from 1,5% to 2%, compared to the proposal by the European Commission. Our group also voted in favour of the idea that 3% of all public buildings must be energy renovated every year, while also including the conditions that buildings with social services and social housing will not have a disproportionate impact on rents.”


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